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  Starfinder Differences
Posted by: Andrew Roberts - 08-10-2017, 05:24 PM - Forum: General Starfinder Discussion - Replies (31)

This is not complete. I am still making my way through the book. But now I have something editable that I can use on my home computer. My home computer doesn't have Word so it was a problem for a while.

I am skipping some things that probably won't make it into SFS, like rolling ability scores.
These are more going over basic rules and structural difference between Starfinder and Pathfinder. This is not going to include a lot of specifics like what each class, theme, race, skill, or feat does, although there may be a few featured if I feel that it is worth mentioning that are different.

Stuff in blue is from my most recent update.
Basic Game Terms
-         Tier: This is term for "level" when describing the power level of computers and starships, as some other elements as well.
-         KAC: Kinetic Armor Class, used for protecting yourself against physical attacks, such as bullets.
-         EAC: Energy Armor Class, used for protecting yourself against energy attacks, such as lasers.
-         SP: Stamina Points. These are generally lost before taking damage to Hit Points. SP amounts are modified by consitution.
-         HP: Hit Points. Starting hit points are determined by (Race HP + Class HP). HP amounts are not modified by constitution.
-         RP: Resolve Points.
Basic Rules
-         Movement is pretty much the same. Most races (including small races) start with 30 ft. unless something modifies it.
-         If you have temporary hit point from an effect, they are lost even before SP is lost.
-         Fraction of the general "Round down" rule unless otherwise stated just like in Pathfinder.
-         Take 10 and Take 20 on skill checks work the same as Pathfinder.
-         Knowledge checks to identify creatures is slightly harder. It is now (Rarity Modifier + (1.5 x CR)) to identify. The Rarity Modifier is still 5 for common, 10 for uncommon, and 15 for rare. As well, those knowledge skills are called something different now, so I would recommend looking at the Knowledge chart on page 133 of the book. Otherwise, the "bits of information" part of it remains unchanged (including an extra piece for each 5 you are above the DC).
-         A natural 20 on an attack roll is automatically a hit. If the total of the attack roll (with the natural 20) is enough to hit the target, it’s a critical, so it is possible to get a natural 20 and not critical. All criticals are x2 and some weapons have an added effect on a critical.
-         A natural 1 on an attack roll is automatically a miss.
Character Creation
-         Both race and class will determine HP. HP is not modified by Constitution.
-         Class will determine SP. SP is modified by Constitution.
-         Your RP are equal to (Half Character Level (Rounded Down, Minimum 1) + Keyed Ability Score Modifier for class). If you are multiclassed, you use the highest of the keyed ability scores of all classes you have.
-         Both EAC and KAC start at 10 and add your Dexterity modifier. They are further modified by armor.
-         Your AC versus combat maneuvers is KAC + 8.
-         Languages work almost exactly the same. The book says typically you know Common, your racial tongue, the language of your home world, plus more based on your Intelligence modifier. There are also Signed and Tactile versions of each language which can be learning it as a bonus langauge or putting a rank in Culture.
-         Saving throws work exactly the same as Pathfinder.
Ability Scores
-         You start assuming ability scores of 10. You add in racial modifiers and points for your theme BEFORE starting your point buy.
-         There is no chart for separate degrees point buys. Every stat is bought on a 1 for 1 point basis regardless of how many points you put into it. You cannot start with an ability score above 18. As with the above bullet point, even with racial modifiers, there's no way to get above 18 starting with a character. (The base model says you get 10 points to spend, but I don't know if that's the SFS way)
-         In the core rules, you can reduce an ability score, but you don't get any benefit from doing so. Don't know if this will make it into SFS.
-         Ability modifiers work exactly the same as PFS.
-         At levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, you get to increase your ability scores. The way this works is you simply choose 4 different ability scores. If the ability score is 17 or higher already, it gains 1 point. If it is 16 or lower, it gains 2 points. This leveling process can let an ability score go beyond 18. You cannot choose the same ability score twice for a particular level.
-         Affects melee attack rolls and rolls made with thrown weapons, including grenades.
-         Affects damage rolls with melee weapons and thrown weapons, but not grenades.
-         Affects ranged attack rolls made with projectile and energy weapons, as well as some spells.
-         Affects amount of SP (but not HP).
-         Feats are gained like Pathfinder. Every odd-numbered level.
-         Themes are a part of character creation. They create a background for your character.
-         All of them provide a +1 bonus to an ability score.
-         They have a power you gain at first level as well.
-         Themes advance in power at 6th, 12th and 18th.
-         There is a "Themeless" option which still has benefits and allow more freedom of choices, but it is less powerful than the other options.
-         It is worth mentioning that skills are more consolidated, but the basis of how class skills work and how they are calculated (including ranks, +3 bonus to class skills, armor penalties, there being trained-only skills, and minimum 1 skill per level when having a negative Int modifier) are basically the same as Pathfinder.
-         This works much the same as Pathfinder.
Leveling Up
-         HP: You gain a number of HP equal to the amount listed on your class (but don't add your constitution modifier to this). You don't gain any from your race on leveling up.
-         SP: You gain a number of SP equal to the amount listed in your class plus your Constitution modifier.
-         RP: Your RP is always (Half Character Level (Rounded Down, Minimum 1) + Keyed Ability Score Modifier for class). If you are multiclassed, you use the highest of the keyed ability scores of all classes you have. (So, if one class has Strength keyed and another Intelligence keyed, and your Intelligence was higher than Strength, you would use Intelligence for this calculation)
-         Feats: You gain a feat at every odd level.
-         Theme: Your theme advances at 6th, 12th, and 18th character levels.
-         Ability Scores: You gain ability score bonuses at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th. The rules for that are outlined in the Ability Scores section.
-         Multiclassing: Multiclassing works exactly the same as Pathfinder, including how BAB and saves add together.
Important Skill Changes
-         Tumbling is now DC (15 + (1.5 x CR)). Moving through is DC (20 + (1.5 x CR)).
-         Feint is now DC (10 + Sense Motive) or (15 + (1.5 x CR)), whichever is higher.
-         Bluffing for lieing is now modified by the attitude of the creature towards you.
-         Diplomacy to change attitude DC is (15 + (1.5 x CR)) or (10 + Opponent's Diplomacy) whichever is higher, and then is further modified by attitude of creature towards you.
-         Engineering can be used to repair technological items
-         Intimidate can be used to make a creature's attitude instantly helpful. The DC is (15 + (1.5 x CR)) or (10 + Opponent's Intimidate) whichever is higher.
-         Intimidate to demoralize has the same DC as above, but otherwise works exactly the same as Pathfinder.
-         DC to identify items, both technological and magical, is (15 + (1.5 x item's level)).
-         Profession is based on different stats based on what you pick as your profession. It's unclear how this will work in SFS.
-         Sense Motive to discern a mental control effect is "generally 25" but can be "higher or lower" depending on GM. It is left open ended here. However, you can only do this now if they are within 30 ft.
-         Stealth is pretty much unchanged.
-         Lots of DCs on Survival have changed, and it has Ride and Handle Animal incorporated in it.
Skill Changeovers
(Warning: These are approximate and don't encompass all the skill's usage, but it's useful for when you're like "Where did Disable Device go?")
-         Disable Device (mundane), Knowledge (Engineering) -> Engineering
-         Disable Device (magical), Spellcraft -> Mysticism
-         Linguistics -> Culture
-         Monster Knowledges -> Life Sciences & Mysticism (Occasionally Engineering too)
-         Day Jobs -> Profession
-         Heal -> Medicine
-         Survival, Handle Animal, Ride -> Survival
-         Deadly Aim now is both Deadly Aim and Power Attack. It is also a static -2 attack rolls for (+1/2 BAB, minimum 1) damage rolls.
-         Dodge no longer exists. You can get Mobility without Dodge.
-         Spell Focus now applies to all spells, not a specific school.
-         There is no weapon finesse. Instead, Operative weapons can use your Dex instead of Str for melee attack rolls (but not damage).
-         There is no combat reflexes, or anything that gives something similar to that.
-         You gain a feat at every odd level, like in Pathfinder.
-         For determining caster level, you add up all levels from spellcasting classes (for example, mystic and technomancer).
-         Save DCs are calculated exactly the same.
-         Bonus spells are calculated exactly the same.
-         It is explicitly stated that you can use higher level spell slots to cast lower level spells.
-         All spellcasting works like Sorcerers. It's spontaneous.
-         There is no "casting defensively."
-         There are no spell components. As such, you can cast spells even with both hands full.
Uses of Resolve Points
-         Regain Stamina Points: You can spend one RP along with 10 minutes of uninterrupted consecutive rest to regain all of your SP. If you get interrupted during the process, you neither lose your RP point nor gain any SP.
-         Stabilizing: If you are dying, you can spent 1/4 of your Maximum RPs (minimum 1, maximum 3) to immediately stabilize, which means you are no longer dying but remain unconscious. If you don't have at least 3 RPs when dying, you cannot take this action.
-         Staying in the Fight: If you are stable and have RPs, or were knocked out with nonlethal damage, you can spend 1 RP at the start of your turn to heal 1 HP. You are no longer dying and immediately become conscious and can take your turn. You can only spend it in this way if you are at 0 HP and stable. You cannot take this action and Stabilize in the same round.
-         Unless otherwise noted, DCs to resist abilities for classes are (10 + half class level + keyed ability modifier for class)
-         There's also another DC a lot of classes list. If you have an ability that forces a skill check, the DC is usually (10 + (1.5 x class level) + keyed ability modifier) unless otherwise stated.
-         Every single class gets Weapon Specialization at 3rd level for all weapons that class grants proficiency with. This grants either level to damage or half level to damage, depending on the weapon.
-         It's worth mentioning there's not really "Sneak Attack," but the Operative's "Trick Attack" works a lot like it except it's more of a skill challenge for the Operative than worrying about positioning. It's is a full round action to use, which allows a move as part of it an allows you to attack once.
-         Archetypes work a little differently in that a lot of them can be applied to multiple different base classes.
-         Archetypes just say they replace a certain level of ability. For each class, there's a list of what is the ability that gets replaced at each level. This way, it's very easy to write new archetypes as each class is set in what they lose at each level for every archetype. (For example, Envoy gives us an Envoy Improvisation at most levels if an archetype replaces something of that level, and loses an additional Skill Expertise if it happens sto be at 9th level)
-         You can never choose more than one archetype for a class. The only way to have more than one archetype is to multiclass.
-         If you multiclass, you cannot choose the same archetype more than once no matter how many different classes you have.
-         Up to once per day, characters can regain any spent RPs by getting 8 hours of uninterrupted rest.
-         Credits are the currency of Starfinder. There are also credit sticks that hold a certain amount of credit. Most of people's wealth is kept in banks, though.
-         Carrying capacity is WAY different. Each item has an amount of "Bulk." It will have either a number, "Light," or "Negligible." 10 light bulk equals 1 full bulk (always round down, so 19 light bulk rounds down to 1 bulk). Negligible counts for no bulk.
-         You can carry an amount of bulk equal to half of your strength score without being encumbered. You are encumbered between half and full strength score. Above your strength score, you are overburdened.
-         Weapon sizes are the same for Small and Medium creatures, so they have the same statistics in every way. Tiny or Large weapons, a small or medium creature gets -4 to attack rolls with it. Any sizes bigger or smaller than those can't be used by small or medium creatures. (There's no talk of changing the amount of hands weapons use based on size)
-         Some weapons use batteries now. It takes 1 minute per charge to restore a battery from a generator. It takes 1 round per charge for a recharging station.
-         Weapons that deal energy damage target EAC and weapons that deal kinetic damage target KAC.
-         Solarions get unique crystals they can use to modify their Solarion weapon.
-         All weapons have a level with represents when you have easy access to that weapon. You can use any weapon you find of any level at any time (assuming you have proficiency). It just restricts access to those weapons. The book says that you can get up to character level + 2 available in a major city, but I don’t know how this will translate into SFS.
-         A natural 20 on an attack roll is automatically a hit. If the total of the attack roll (with the natural 20) is enough to hit the target, it’s a critical, so it is possible to get a natural 20 and not critical. All criticals are x2 and some weapons have an added effect on a critical.
-         Weapons that have battery capacities or ammunition capacities list them in the weapon chart. They also have a usage to tell you how much ammunition is consumed per attack.
-         The DC to resist a grenade’s effect is (10 + ½ grenade’s level + user’s dex modifier).
-         For Operative weapons, you can add your Dex modifier instead of Str for melee attack rolls (but not damage).
-         Cold Iron, Silver, and Adamantine all still exist for weapons. I don’t see other materials listed.
-         Adamantine now ignores hardness less than 30.
-         There are lots of new weapon qualities, weapon types, and weapons as it’s a complete different setting. I won’t be going through all of those.
-         Wielding a weapon you are not proficient with gives you -4 to attack rolls with that weapon and -4 to any DCs from that weapon.

Weapon Fusions
-         Weapon fusions are how weapons become magical in Starfinder. A weapon with any weapon fusion at all counts as magical.
-         You can place as many fusions as you want on a weapon, but a weapon can hold only a certain amount of fusions equal to the weapon's item level. Each fusion has its own level. For example, if you have a level 4 weapon, it can be both Anarchic (level 2) and Holy (level 2) as that is within the weapon's limit of 4. It could not be Bane (level 5), however, because that is too high for the weapon.
-         Some weapon fusions are named the same as ones in Pathfinder (for example, Holy) but work way differently. Read carefully.
-         Installing a fusion to a weapon is dependent on the weapon's item level, NOT the fusion's item level. If you want to transfer a fusion you own to another weapon, you pay half the cost the fusion would normally cost for a weapon of the new weapon's level to apply. (Not sure this will make it into SFS. This seems like a loophole to get weapon fusions for cheaper than intended.)
-         Fusion Seals are also available for purchase for a little more (110%). Their main purpose is to affect the ascetic of the weapon as well as function as a weapon fusion. They are also easier to transfer between weapons. (Again, not sure how transferring will work in SFS due to loopholes)


-         Armor in Starfinder grants both KAC and EAC. It still has a Max Dex, Armor Check Penalty, Speed Adjustment, and Bulk (Weight). Like other items, it has levels too.
-         There are three types of armor. Light, Heavy, and Powered. Each require proficiency to not incur a -4 EAC and KAC penalty. Wearing powered armor without proficiency is even more severe. You take the normal -4 EAC and KAC, but also are off-target and flat footed while wearing it.
-         Donning arrmor takes 4 rounds for light, 16 rounds for heavy, and a full action for powered armor. 8th level and above armor takes half the time for light and heavy, and 16th and above takes one-quarter. You can don light or heavy armor hastily in half the time with the armor check, max dex, and EAC/KAC bonus being 1 worse.
-         There's rules about having to adjust armor not tailored for you. Not sure this will make it into SFS.
-         Armor has rules about reducing speed, which is similar to Pathfinder. For Powered Armor, it looks like it just sets your speed to the Powered Armor amount.
-         All armor protect you from environmental hazards. They can do it for a number of days equal to the item level. Activating and deactivating this feature is a standard action. You can activate a helpless creature's suit for this feature as a full round action, but deactivating a helpless creature's suit requires hacking with a Computers check equal (13 + (4 x (item level / 2, rounded down))). You can expend the suit's environmental functions in hour increments, and the suit needs to be recharged at a spaceship or environmental recharge station to regain charges. It recharges at a rate of 1 minute per day of protection.
-         The environmental protections are that you can breath in many areas, but doesn't allow you to breathe in a corrosive atmosphere without taking the acid damage if there is any. It can also help protect from radiation. You are immune to low levels of radiation and gain +4 to saves against radiation. Armor of level 7 and above make you immune to medium levels of radiation and gain +6 to saves against radiation. Armor can also protect you from cold and hot temperatures. This does not protect you from cold or fire damage. All these features only work when the armor is in environmental mode.
-         Powered armor has a lot of rules about using batteries. Read carefully if you plan to use them.

Armor Upgrades
-         Armor Upgrades can be added to armor. Your armor can hold a maximum number of upgrade slots equal to the number of upgrade slots on the armor. Upgrades can be shifted between armor at no cost with a process that takes 10 minutes per upgrade.
-         Some armor upgrades take up more than one slot, and some will add weight as well. Some have requirements on what kind of armor it can be placed on. Some are magical, others technological. Some have batteries and use charges and others don't. Armor upgrades vary quite a bit so read carefully.

Other Items
-         Augmentations are technological or biological gear you can enhance yourself with. These work more like traditional magic items with how many you can have. Each one takes up a "System" (or, slot) and you can only have one upgrade per system.
-         Personal Upgrades are an Augmentation and what you use to upgrade ability scores. They come in three forms: Mk1, Mk2, and Mk3 giving +2, +4, and +6 respectively. You can only have one of each model (Mk) at a time, so you couldn't have two +2 items at the same time but could have a +4 and +2. These are upgrade-able from Mk1 -> Mk2 -> Mk3 for the difference in price.
-         Computers are a completely new thing. I would recommending giving them a read over.
-         Technological items are just that. There are other mundane items under "other purchases."
-         It's worthy of note that a backpack is a pretty standard purchase as even a standard one increases the amount you can carry and itself doesn't count against your weight when strapped on properly.
-         Since rations come up a lot in games, it's 1 credit per week of food and 1 bulk per week of food. Incredibly cheap and light in the future!
-         In the book it's outlined for a recharging service at a recharging station, it costs half the price of a battery or cell.
-         There's also a section for vehicles that might be worth a readover.
-         Since Crafting is allowed in Starfinder, it's good to note that it doesn't save you anything. It makes it easier to repair the item, and it's more hardy. But it's a lot easier as it only takes the Engineering or Mysticism skills to craft (or Computers specifically for Computers, although those can be built with Engineering as well).

Magic Items
-         Magic items are similar to Pathfinder. They are magical and there are wearable, wield=able, and consumable items. There are far less magic items available in Starfinder.
-         It's important to note that while you can have as many consumable and wield-able magic items as you want, you can only have 2 wearable magic items active.
-         "Serums of Healing" are pretty much the replacement for Wands of Cure Light Wounds. Speaking of which, there are no Wands in Starfinder.
-         Rings of Resistance are the new Cloak of Resistance. The difference is that Rings of Resistance only affect your lowest total save and not all saves.
-         Spell Ampoules are basically potions, although they are injectable instead of drinkable. A Spell Amp can only have up to a level 3 spell in it, can only have a beneficial spell (spell with "harmless" in its Saving Throw or Spell Resistance entry), and their item level and caster level are equal to three times the spell level it duplicates (or 2nd level if it's a level 0).
-         Spell Gems are the new scrolls. They follow the same rules of a DC (CL + 1) to cast a spell from the spell gem if it's on your spell list.
-         There is a "Hybrid Items" section as well which are items that blend magic and technology. The most worthy thing of note here is that Hybrid Items take up one of your wearable magic slots if it's wearable.

-         Initiative rolls work exactly the same. Combat rounds are also assumed to be 6 seconds.
-         Surprise rounds works the same. You can take a standard action or move action in that round. You can also take a swift action.
-         Saving throws work exactly the same as Pathfinder in every way, including a natural 1 always failing and a natural 20 always succeeding. The only difference is that you can now voluntarily fail a saving throw against anything instead of just a spell.
-         You count as your own ally. The GM is the arbiter of which other figures are enemies or allies.
-         Unless otherwise stated, if you have a reroll, they must be used before the GM tells you the result. You cannot apply more than one reroll to the same check, although there's a clause saying an enemy and ally could cause a reroll. In that case, rerolls cancel out and you roll once like normal.
-         You can't take AoOs with a weapon with the unwieldy trait, nor can you use a full action to attack twice with them.
-         The Massive Damage rules are in effect in for SFS. If a person takes damage and it is enough to "wrap back around" to their maximum HP, they instantly die. For example, if a character has Maximum HP of 10 and are currently at 3 HP, if they take 13 damage for an attack, they instantly die from Massive Damage.
-         Grenades can only be thrown at an intersection. They explode and do their listed damage to all enemies within their radius, with a reflex save for half (DC 10 + half of grenade's item level + thrower's dexterity modifier)
-         For grenades, any attack penalty you incur also applies to the DC for your grenade (which is 10 + half of grenade's item level + thrower's dexterity modifier). Only penalties you incur apply to the DC, not any bonuses your enemies got (like from Cover).

Attack Rolls & Damage Rolls
-         Melee weapon attacks & damage rolls use strength. Two-handed weapons don't add 1-1/2 Strength to damage like they do in Pathfinder. All melee weapons just add 1x Str to damage.
-         Thrown weapon attack & damage rolls use strength (Grenades are an exception. They use it for attack rolls but don't add strength to damage rolls)
-         Ranged weapons attack rolls use dexterity. (They do not add dexterity to damage)
-         Attack rolls are resolved vs. KAC if it is physical or EAC if it's energy.
-         Charging is now a penalty to both attack rolls and AC. -2 AC and -2 attack rolls

-         Damage is always applied to Stamina Points first before it rolls over to Hit Points. If someone's SP reaches zero and there's still damage leftover, that damage is applied to HP.
-         Multiplying damage works the same. For example, if you critical (which all SF weapons are x2), you roll your damage twice and adds your modifiers twice.
-         If you would deal less than 1 damage, you deal 1 nonlethal damage instead.
-         Nonlethal damage is counted the same as regular damage. The difference is that if the last hit on an enemy was nonlethal, then that enemy is knocked out. (As a note, this makes it very hard to knock out an enemy with a mix of lethal and nonlethal as you have to guess when they are going to fall)

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  DragonCon - Slot Zeroes
Posted by: pgfrix - 08-09-2017, 09:21 PM - Forum: Post Your Pick-up Games Here - No Replies

I'd like to use this space to start discussing where/when/general interest in doing Slot Zeroes for the DragonCon premiere scenarios that just dropped, namely 9-01, 9-02, and 9-03.

To the uninitiated, the Slot Zero serves two primary purposes:  1.  Trial Run for GMs who will later run the scenario, and 2. Play Time for Volunteers who would otherwise not be able to participate.  Obviously, these goals are only achieved if preferential seating is given to DCon judges.  Civilians aren't necessarily prohibited, they just start at 'wait list' status.

There are four likely candidate weekend dates before DCon:

Saturday, August 19  (GenCon Weekend)
Sunday, August 20
Saturday, August 26
Sunday, August 27

An intro Starfinder event is currently scheduled for Sunday, August 27 at Heroic Gaming with registration elsewhere.  I'd like to encourage everyone to consider this to be the 'slot zero' for the Starfinder Quests.

Given the nature of the Specials, I'm skeptical that we'll be able to Zero those, but for those of you venturing to GenCon, we might be able to pull something off on the 26/27 weekend.

I can make inquiries with Wasteland about availability of the venue; I consider this a solid mid-Atlanta/mid-Athens location, and it *usually* has wide availability.  Please feel free to suggest alternative venues.

Perry's Personal Preferences:

I'm willing to eat 9-01 to run for a table.  

I do *not* want to eat 9-02, and if wishes were horses, I'd like to assemble an Andoran Spec Ops team to play that with (aka 'Eagle Team Six').

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  Who is Tyche's Games
Posted by: Tyches - 08-09-2017, 04:17 PM - Forum: Tyche's Games - Replies (1)


We are, Sean Holland and Laura Heilman.  Tyche's Games was founded in 1997 to serve the Athens Gaming Community and has continued with that mission for twenty years.

Is we can be of any help, let us know.

Thanks and good gaming.

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gapfs Wasteland Weeknight Game September 14, 2017
Posted by: pgfrix - 08-08-2017, 10:22 AM - Forum: Wasteland Gaming - Replies (1)

On an intermittent basis, we will be hosting a weeknight PFS Game Day at The Wasteland Games store in Duluth. The store is located at: 3700 Satellite Blvd, Suite 7B, Duluth GA 30096. Phone number is 770-921-5511.

This month the game day will occur on Thursday, September 14, 2017.

Location Bonus: For every $10 spent at the store, you can either get a reroll (max one per scenario) or +1 on an existing reroll.

Event Code: 71308

7:00 PM – 11:30 PM
0-16: The Golemworks Incident (5-9)  GM - CANCELLED

When the Golemworks in Magnimar starts reporting some “problems” with their most recent batch of golems, the PCs are sent to investigate in the hope that the Pathfinder Society can get on good terms with the influential arcane organization.

Written by Larry Wilhelm.

If you would like to reserve a slot for this game, please respond by noting:

Real Name
Character Class
Character Level

Due to the scarcity of GMs, you MUST reserve a slot in order to play. With ample warning (such as signing up at least three days before the event), we can often increase the number of tables being run. 

If you have any questions, please either post below or send a forum message to Perry Frix (pgrix @ gmail . com).

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gapfs Wasteland Gaming (WLG) September 9, 2017 Game Day
Posted by: pgfrix - 08-08-2017, 10:21 AM - Forum: Wasteland Gaming - Replies (5)

Every second Saturday of the month, we will be hosting an Organized Play Game Day at The Wasteland Games store in Duluth. The store is located at: 3700 Satellite Blvd, Suite 7B, Duluth GA 30096. Phone number is 770-921-5511.

This month the game day will occur on September 9, 2017.

Location Bonus: For every $10 spent at the store, you can either get a reroll (max one per scenario) or +1 on an existing reroll.

Event Code: 71308

12:30 PM – 5:30 PM
SFS Quest: Into the Unknown GM - CANCELLED

A series of five Starfinder Quests designed for 1st-level characters.

When a mysterious visitor comes to Absalom Station selling items belonging to a lost Starfinder, the Starfinder Society takes note. The PCs are dispatched to discover out how the recent arrival found these items, leading them on a series of quests beyond the Pact Worlds and into the stars.

"Into the Unknown" includes five, 1-hour adventures that take the PCs from exploring Absalom Station, to partaking in starship combat, to exploring an alien world. The fifth adventure in the series provides a stunning conclusion that takes the PC's previous accomplishments into account for a climactic final showdown against an enemy starship.

Written by Ron Lundeen.

1.   Peter C
2.   Travis

6:30 PM – 11:30 PM
1-00: Claim to Salvation GM - CANCELLED

A Starfinder Society Scenario Special designed for 4th-level pregenerated characters.

Following the disastrous Scoured Stars Incident, the Starfinder Society fights to remain relevant as the rest of the galaxy moves on. With surviving agents stretched to their limits, the First Seeker launches a desperate bid to search the false moon of Salvation's End. Will the mission reveal a discovery that can stabilize the Society long enough for a new generation of Starfinders to come to the fore? Players use 4th-level versions of the Starfinder iconic characters in this debut special event of the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild.

Written by Larry Wilhelm.

1.   Peter C

If you would like to reserve a slot for this game, please respond by noting:

Real Name
Character Class
Character Level

Due to the scarcity of GMs, you MUST reserve a slot in order to play. With ample warning (such as signing up at least three days before the event), we can often increase the number of tables being run. 

If you have any questions, please either post below or send a forum message to Perry Frix (pgrix @ gmail . com).

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  Manuel's August Game Day (August 23rd from 6:30pm until...)
Posted by: Dan C. - 08-06-2017, 09:13 PM - Forum: Manuel's Tavern - Replies (24)

Con season is in full swing. This is one of your last chances to grab an XP before heading to Dragon Con!  For this month, helping out both my GM checklist as well as several players' Need To Play list, I offer the following:

#4-23  Rivalry's End  (Levels 3-7)  GM:  Dan
1.  Chris-Inquisitor 3
2.  Julian-Pre Gen 4
3.  Jenn
4.  Chas

For those of you that have played the above:

#8-04  Wardens of Sulfur Gulch  (Levels 7-11)  GM:  Liam
1.  Haller-Lotus Geisha 8
2.  Bart-Conjurer 11
3.  Travis
4.  Abraham
5.  Josh-Musketeer 10
6.  Nashoba-Gunslinger/Alchemist 10

Because a large amount of the regular players have not played Rivalry's End, we can run two tables if need be or, I'll chose a 1-5 if we have any new players. 

We play in the Eagle's Nest, which is to the left of the front door, back behind the curtain.  See you there!

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  Starfinder Hype
Posted by: Andrew Roberts - 08-03-2017, 05:09 PM - Forum: General Starfinder Discussion - Replies (18)


I just got my subscriber copy, which has nothing to do with my VO NDA, so it's fair game for me to answer things.

I've made it through weapons, armor, races, skills, classes, feats, themes, and character creation so far. I will continue but the progress will probably be slow.

Be excited. This very much feels like Pathfinder with some really good tweeks. Honestly it feels very much like a hardcover expansion to Pathfinder. A lot like Pathfinder Unchained in space and in the future.

I also have a work-in-progress thread post of changes between the two systems. I will probably post this next week when I'm back in Georgia for the sections I've gotten to so far, but the computer I'm on doesn't have Word so my formatting is bonkers right now.

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  Guest PFS GM Needed for Heroic Gaming 9/9 Afternoon Slot
Posted by: huntsfromshadow - 08-03-2017, 03:48 PM - Forum: Calling All GMs! - Replies (1)

Hey All.

I need a guest GM for the afternoon slot at Heroic Gaming on Saturday 9/9.
The slot is scheduled from 5pm - 10pm.

I can handle the early afternoon Starfinder Slot, but need someone to handle
the evening slot.

Which scenario is open for grabs.

Any questions let me know.

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  GM possibly needed for My Parents Basement Aug. 9 - 8-19 Treacherous Waves (3-7)
Posted by: Abraham Z - 08-03-2017, 03:23 PM - Forum: Calling All GMs! - Replies (3)

Greetings fellow pathfinders! We've currently got 7 players signed up for 8-19 Treacherous Waves (3-7) at My Parents' Basement in Avondale (basically very near downtown Decatur) this coming Wednesday, August 9. Bart is GM-ing but I'm wondering if any of you fine adventurers would like to come run a second table? The food is excellent and so are the drinks and it's a really nice space to play. Let me know if you might be interested. - Abraham

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  Starfinder @ Titian Duluth on Wednesday, August 30th @ 7:00pm
Posted by: TheMaskedFerret - 08-03-2017, 08:41 AM - Forum: Post Your Pick-up Games Here - Replies (26)

I need some practice running Starfinder for Dragon*Con. Would anyone be interested in coming out to Titan Games and Comics in Duluth on Wednesday to let me practice on you?

Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Time: 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Event Number: 155317
     Titan Games and Comics Duluth
     2131 Pleasant Hill Rd #129
      Duluth, GA 30096

Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-01: The Commencement
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-2. (Repeatable)

All Starfinders complete their training by conferring with Guidance—a network of uploaded personalities embodying paragons from the Starfinder Society's history. Before receiving the blessing of Guidance, the PCs must meet with and assist critical missions on behalf of key leaders of the Society's leading factions. With the events of the Scoured Stars Incident still fresh in everyone's memory, there's plenty that needs doing to set the Society back on track.

The Commencement is a replayable scenario designed to help introduce players to the factions of the Starfinder Society and areas of importance on Absalom Station.

You can make your own characters, or there should be pregens available for 1st level characters. Assuming that there are, I will provide copies.

GM: Glen Parnell
Player 1: Uncle Dredd
Player 2: Dave B.
Player 3: Perry
Player 4: Edward
Player 5: Kerney

I am open for up to 7 players, depending on what the to-be-released Guide to Organized Play says.

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