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  PFS 2/21/22 Signup
Posted by: jbremermann42 - 02-16-2022, 01:38 PM - Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth - Replies (5)

Mission: 1-03 Escaping The Grave (Levels 1-4)
GM: Jason

1. Lee: Blackavar (Magus 3)/ Barthax (Cleric 2)
2. Nathan: Edwin (Witch 2)
3. Josh: Uroc (Druid 1)
4. Mike L: Gruug (Fighter/Cavalier 4)
5. Erin: Taketsu (Gunslinger 3)


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SF Logo FNF Online - Feb 25, 2022 (7pm-12am) - SFS #3-16 (5-8)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 02-04-2022, 03:00 PM - Forum: Athens Virtual Games - Replies (3)

Friday Night Fights are on! Athens is reaching for higher heights with Starfinder Society ONLINE on Friday, February 25, 2022 at 7:00pm
We intend to run one high-tier (5-14) PFS2 or SFS Scenario per online session - monthly on fourth Friday evenings from 7:00pm to midnight!
For February 25, 2022, we offer a high tier scenario from the third season of Starfinder Society for characters Level 5-8. Pre-generated characters will be available. 
Starfinder Society Scenario #3-16: The Vast Experiment: Fast Choices (5-8)  GM: Dave B.
Scenario Tags: Starship

1. Douglas - Bio/Mystic 7 or Technomancer 8
2. Bart - Mystic 6
3. Tiffany - Soldier 5/6 or Solarian 7/8
4. Eric - Something 5-8
5. Jim - Something 5-8

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.    Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play.
2.    You will get a PM/email the night before the game with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.    Be ready to meet up on the appointed Friday at 7:00pm – for some fun!

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

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  PF2S 2/07/22
Posted by: Michael Lance - 02-03-2022, 10:22 PM - Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth - Replies (5)

Scenario: 2-03 Catastrophe’s Spark (1-4)
Gm: Rachel
Note: if we have 8+ players i (Mike) will run a second 1-4 mission
1: Gruug of the Pyre (Fighter/Caviler 3- Mike)
2: Edwin (Witch 2- Nathan)
3: Ram-im (Sorcerer 3) or TBD (TBD 1) - Jason
4: Uroc (Druid 1) - Josh
5: Orkurlund (Monk 1) - Chad
6: Blackvar (Magus 3) or Barthax (Cleric 2) - Lee

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PF2 Glyph Athentic Live - Feb 27, 2022 (2-7 pm) - PF2#3-07: The Locked Lodge (3-6)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 02-03-2022, 09:20 AM - Forum: Athentic Brewing Company - Replies (8)

Come on down to Athentic Brewing Company, on February 27, 2022! Thanks to our newest venue, we will be offering one PFS2, SFS, or PFS1 scenario per live session (possibly with multiple tables) usually on the 4th Sunday of each month from 2-7 pm. 

Please show Athentic some love with your responsible patronage and/or display your genuine Paizo/Pathfinder swag and get a re-roll or other fabulous benefits.

108 Park Ave.
Athens, GA 30601
(706) 850-6252

**Store policy** Masks for staff and non-vaccinated people.  Request that patrons not attend if they feel sick. (Covid situation as is, we are all gaming in masks when gaming live in public these days)

**Low/No Contact Event** Sign-in sheets and chronicle sheets will be completed and distributed digitally. 

For February 27, 2022, we offer a scenario from the new, third season of Pathfinder Society for characters Level 3-6. Pre-generated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-07: The Locked Lodge  (3-6) 
GM: Jim H.
Scenario Tags: Metaplot (Shattered Sanctuaries)

1. Eric - Something 3-6
2. Scott - Rogue 4
3. Tiffany - Something 3-6
4. Douglas - Swashbuckler 4
5. Amber - Pregen 3 or 5

Those new to Pathfinder Society Organized Play are free to bring a character made under the PFS 2.0 rules or to simply come and play one of the pre-generated characters that we will have at the event.   
If you would like to participate, please reply to this post with: your name and your character's class and level - color commentary is also encouraged.  Walk-ins are welcome and we will always do our best to accommodate, but if you reserve a slot you will be guaranteed a spot to play.

If you have any questions, please post them here or send me (Tiffany H.) a private message.

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  PFS 02/14/2022
Posted by: Lee3 - 02-01-2022, 03:13 PM - Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth - Replies (8)

Mission: 02-07 The Blakros Deception (Levels 5-8)
GM: Lee
Bring your lucky Valentine and spend the evening touring the famous Blakros Museum

1: Nathan (Eula - IRS Agent Lvl 5)
2: Josh (Urok - Druid 5)
6: Reserves:

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  Atlanta 2022 Plan
Posted by: LokiTheWanderer - 01-30-2022, 04:44 PM - Forum: Georgia PFS/SFS News & Announcements - No Replies

Welcome to 2022, everyone.

I hope everyone is safe and well. I also hope that, at some point this year, we’re able to get face to face again, even though we will also not be abandoning our virtual presence on the various Virtual TableTops.

On January 1, I launched a hub/wraparound site for Atlanta (https://atlantapfs.org). This site has a members area that, at least right now, doesn’t have any special content, but there will be some coming in the future.  Why a member's area?  It's a two-fold reason, honestly.  Reason 1 is that there will be things that are specifically for members of the lodge that are currently not able to be hidden from public view here on the forums (for instance, any discounts that conventions may offer to members of the lodge vs. those they release to the general public).  Reason 2 is that it helps us to meet requirements put on us by Organized Play to keep a list of our players and GMs. 

We also had a few changes to the Venture-Officer group, with 3 Venture-Officers stepping away, whether permanently or temporarily. As we ramp up towards going in-person again, I’ll have to take a look at who’s still around, which venues we still have/are permitting in-person TTRPG, and assess any needs we have, at which point, the existing Venture-Officers may start talking to some of you about becoming a Venture-Officer.

My intent is also to embrace the digital age in which we live this year and encourage all GMs and VOs to use tools like RPG Chronicles for their sign-in and chronicle sheets, even in person.  I know there are people who prefer paper, and I respect that, but, with Organized Play wanting to move to a more digital format, and at least one of the chronicle sheet sites soon offering lodge level support where you can also see what has been reported on Paizo’s site, it will make things easier in the long run.  To that end, I've signed up for convention support on the RPG Chronicles website and this is how we will manage sign-ins and chronicle sheets for the convention.  It will mean needing to have players provide an email address since chronicle sheets will be automatically emailed at the end of the game session.  For those hesitant to provide an email address (though one was required to be given as part of signing up for an OP number on the Paizo website), a Discord ID can be provided where the GM or a member of HQ can later send a copy of the chronicle sheet.  The developer behind the site is also working on a feature for those hesitant to do even that where it will not require printing at or prior to the convention.  If you have any concerns about the privacy of your information via the RPG Chronicles website, take a moment to review the privacy policy (https://www.rpgchronicles.net/privacy).  That may help alleviate any concerns.

Planning for this year’s convention cycle began in September, immediately after DragonCon ended. The plan this year is for us to have a presence at three conventions (in chronological order): MomoCon, Southern-Fried Gaming Expo, and DragonCon. The current plan, COVID-dependent, is to be in-person at each convention. That plan, however, is subject to change, depending on the level of risk (reported cases, transmission rates, hospital/ICU bed capacity, etc.) associated with it at the time of each convention.

Because we have been relatively inactive in the local community since COVID started, I am looking at each convention as an acquisition convention, focusing on lower-level scenarios more heavily than the higher, with the mindset of trying to interest people in joining our community. Consider this a save the date/precursor to open call for GMs for all three conventions. This is also a call for any special requests for scenarios, whether for players or for GMs.  For anyone interested, since I am a numbers guy, I have a breakdown of the offerings for each convention by level range.  My intention is to not have anything offered where it is outside the range where pregens are available at any convention.

MomoCon opted to skip the normal convention cycle last year and hold WinterFest. Whether they will do similarly this year or not, if the numbers look bad, is TBD. They have already indicated there will be both a vaccine and mask mandate at the convention this year, with the possibility of a testing mandate as well. Once their final decision is made, I will make sure to pass it on. We will be offering both Pathfinder 2nd Edition and Starfinder Society games, and I have been asked whether we will offer Pathfinder 1st Edition. I left that option open, but it is as dependent on having interested players for PF1 as it is to have interested GMs. The current plan for MomoCon is for 45 total tables, with 36 from Campaign RPG (18 each for PF2 and SF, unless we do get PF1 interest, in which case the table count will differ) and 9 from Quests and Bounties (running 2 for each system during each 4-hour block). 

Southern-Fried Gaming Expo will be an in-person convention unless forced to cancel. They checked vaccination status at the door last year and did have a mask mandate in place, which they were responsible to enforce. Their health and safety requirements will likely be announced approximately 30 days prior to the convention. I have one caveat to add to SFGE, and that is this – even though I am looking at it as an acquisition convention, I also plan to offer both Pathfinder and Starfinder Specials from last season at this event (the new specials will not both be released in time for this event).

DragonCon already indicated their plan is to remain a blended convention moving forward. Their requirements last year were for vaccinated and masked participants only, as well as having limited the number of attendees to approximately 42,000 people. I expect DragonCon’s Health & Safety Requirements to be put out anywhere from 2 weeks to a month prior to the convention. Unless it looks likely that the mayor will ban large gatherings in Atlanta, I plan for us to be represented both physically and virtually, depending on DragonCon’s final plan. I have contingency plans in place already for all three possible convention options (online only, blended, in-person only). The most recent specials will be offered at DragonCon, as both will have been released in advance of the dates of DragonCon.

Feel free to reach out with your scenario requests, questions, or concerns, and be on the lookout for the open call for GMs (which will come after Paizo makes any announcements for the new seasons of each game system).

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  01/31/22 PFS2 Signup
Posted by: Michael Lance - 01-29-2022, 01:02 PM - Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth - Replies (6)

Scenario: 2-15 A Dirge for Sarkoris (3-6)
GM: Mike L
1: The IRS (Nathan)
2: Can’t Touch This or Mr Forgettable (Matt)
3: ??? (Josh)
4: The Bane of Eula, or a Very Sneaky Half-orc, or A total FU to me as a GM (Lee)

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PF2 Glyph Tyche's Live - Feb 19 - PFS2 #3-04 (12-5pm)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 01-27-2022, 03:03 PM - Forum: Tyche's Games - Replies (2)

Come on down to Tyche's Games, our longest running venue for last month's game, rescheduled! If you signed up for last month's table, your spot has been reserved for this month!

1056 S Lumpkin Street Athens, GA 30605

Tyche's Games, will host Pathfinder, Second Edition, Organized Play gaming on February 19, 2022 from 12-5pm. Please show Tyche's some love with your patronage for exciting in-game effects or display your genuine Paizo/Pathfinder swag and get a re-roll or other fabulous benefits.
Store policy: Masks for non-vaccinated people and a request for all to wear masks when customers are in the store.

Low/No Contact Event: Sign-in sheets and chronicle sheets will be completed and distributed digitally. 

Going forward, we intend to run one table of PFS2, SFS, or PFS1 scenario per session, on the third Saturday of each month from 12-5pm.
For February 15, 2022, we offer a new scenario from the third season of Pathfinder Society, Second Edition for characters Level 3-6. Pre-generated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-04: The Devil-Wrought Disappearance (3-6)  
GM: Tiffany H.
Scenario Tags: Metaplot (Shattered Sanctuaries)

1. Douglas - Options 3,4,6
2. Jim - Something

Those new to Pathfinder Society Organized Play are free to bring a character made under the PFS 2.0 rules or to simply come and play one of the pre-generated characters that we will have at the event.   
If you would like to participate, please reply to this post with: your name and your character's class and level - color commentary is also encouraged.  Walk-ins are welcome and we will always do our best to accommodate, but if you reserve a slot you will be guaranteed a spot to play.

If you have any questions, please post them here or send me (Tiffany H.) a private message.

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SF Logo AAN Online - Feb 13, 2022 (1-6pm) SFS #4-04 Mission Not Found (3-6)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 01-27-2022, 02:45 PM - Forum: Athens Virtual Games - Replies (4)

Athens After Noon is imagining the future Online again with Starfinder Society on Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 1:00pm

We intend to run one PFS2 or SFS Scenario per session (possibly with multiple tables) - online, every second Sunday of the month, in the afternoon from 1:00 to 6:00pm.
For February 13, 2022, we offer a new Starfinder Society scenario for Levels 3-6. Pre-generated Characters are available. 
Starfinder Society Scenario #4-04: Mission Not Found  (3-6) 
GM: Dave B.
Scenario Tags: Faction (Dataphiles), Metaplot (Data Scourge)

1. Douglas - Vrolo 4
2. Eric - Dr. Bees ?
3. Bart - Technomancer 3 or Mystic 6
4. Tiffany - Operative 4 or Soldier 6
5. Jim - Space Wzard 5

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.     Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play - make sure your Starfinder Society character is built for Roll20 using the
      Starfinder (Simple) Sheet.
2.     You will get a PM/email the night before the game with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.    Be ready to meet up on the appointed Sunday at 1:00pm – for some fun!

Those new to the Starfinder Society are free to bring a character made using the SFS rules or to simply come and play one of the pre-generated characters that we will have at the event. 

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

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PF2 Glyph QAD Online - February 9, 2022 (7:00-10:00pm) - Pathfinder Bounty #17
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 01-27-2022, 02:30 PM - Forum: Athens Virtual Games - Replies (6)

Quests After Dark is Online each month with another Pathfinder, Second Edition, or Starfinder Bounty. It's Pathfinder Second Edition on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, at 7:00pm
We intend to run one PFS2 or SFS Bounty per session - on the second Wednesday evening of each month (as further Bounties become available) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.
For February 9, 2022, we offer the next Pathfinder Society, Second Edition, Bounty for Level 1 characters - repeatable again! Pre-generated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Bounty #17: Sodden Stories (Level 1)  GM: Tiffany H.
Scenario Tags: Repeatable

1. Douglas - Ranger 1
2. Eric - LoBlo 1
3. Bryan - Barbarian 1 or Sarenrae Champ 1
4. Bart - Awesome Goblin 1
5. Dave - Gunslinger 1
6. Jim - Wizard 1

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.     Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play.
2.     I will reply to you via PM/email with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.     Think about the character or pregen you might like to play and be ready to meet on the appointed Wednesday at 7:00pm – for some fun!

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

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