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Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth
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Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth
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2024-09-24 Tuesday 6:00pm...
Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth
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09-21-2024, 07:46 PM
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PF2 Glyph Tyche's Live - Oct 16 - PFS2 #3-02 (12-5pm)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 10-05-2021, 09:29 AM - Forum: Tyche's Games - Replies (2)

Come on down to Tyche's Games, our longest running venue!

1056 S Lumpkin Street Athens, GA 30605

Tyche's Games, will host Pathfinder, Second Edition, Organized Play gaming on October 16, 2021 from 12-5pm. Please show Tyche's some love with your patronage for exciting in-game effects or display your genuine Paizo/Pathfinder swag and get a re-roll or other fabulous benefits.
Store policy: Masks for non-vaccinated people and a request for all to wear masks when customers are in the store.

Low/No Contact Event: Sign-in sheets and chronicle sheets will be completed and distributed digitally. 

Going forward, we intend to run one table of PFS2, SFS, or PFS1 scenario per session, on the third Saturday of each month from 12-5pm.
For October 16, 2021, we offer a new scenario from the third season of Pathfinder Society, Second Edition for characters Level 1-4. Pregenerated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-02: The East Hill Haunting (1-4)  
Scenario Tags: Metaplot (Shattered Sanctuaries)

1. Douglas - Alchemist 2 or Swashbuckler 3
2. Eric - Something
3. Tiffany - Druid 2 or Rogue 3

Those new to Pathfinder Society Organized Play are free to bring a character made under the PFS 2.0 rules or to simply come and play one of the pre-generated characters that we will have at the event.   
If you would like to participate, please reply to this post with: your name and your character's class and level - color commentary is also encouraged.  Walk-ins are welcome and we will always do our best to accommodate, but if you reserve a slot you will be guaranteed a spot to play.

If you have any questions, please post them here or send me (Tiffany H.) a private message.

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  PF2S 10/4/21 Signup
Posted by: Lee3 - 09-28-2021, 09:37 PM - Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth - Replies (4)

Mission: #1-14 Lions of Katapesh (Repeatable)
GM: Lee McClurkin

1: Michael - Wiz 4, Ftr/Cav 2 or Sor 1
2: Nathan - Punchadin 2
3: Jason - Sorcerer 1
4: Chad - Ranger 1
5: Monk 1

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PF2 Glyph AAN Online- Oct 10, 2021 (1-6pm)- 3-01 PFS Intro:Year of Shattered Sanctuaries(1-4)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 09-28-2021, 05:05 PM - Forum: Athens Virtual Games - Replies (7)

Athens After Noon is keeping up the VTT games with Pathfinder, Second Edition ONLINE on Sunday, October 10, 2021 at 1:00pm
We intend to run one PFS2 or SFS Scenario per online session (possibly with multiple tables) - monthly on second Sunday afternoons from 1:00 to 6:00pm.
For October 10, 2021, we offer the new Season 3 opening scenario from Pathfinder Society for characters Level 1-4. Pre-generated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-01 Pathfinder Society Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (1-4)  GM: Dave B., Jim H.
Scenario Tags: Metaplot (Shattered Sanctuaries), Repeatable

1. Douglas - Alchemist 2 or Swashbuckler 3
2. Eric - Something 1-4
3. Tiff - Druid 2
4. Amberlee - Cleric 2
5. Bryan - Evocation Wizard 1
6. Bart - Rogue 2
7. Liam - Cleric 1 or 2

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.     Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play.
2.     You will get a PM/email the night before the game with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.    Be ready to meet up on the appointed Sunday at 1:00pm – for some fun!

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

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  PF2S 9/27/2021 Signup
Posted by: Michael Lance - 09-24-2021, 12:19 AM - Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth - Replies (3)

Mission: 2-21 In Pursuit of Water (1-4) WARNING THIS IS DEADLY BE OPTIMAL
GM: Mark Lance
1: TBD- Mike
2: Blackvar (Magus 1)/ Vescos (Rouge 3)- Lee
3: Rolley-Polley Monk (Monk 4) - Chad
4: Sane (Magus 1) - Kathy
5: Holyfield is 2 Electric Boogaloo (Champion 2) - Nathan

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SF Logo FNF Online - Sept 24, 2021 (7pm-12am) - SFS#3-14: Fleeting Truth: Hollow Lies (9-12)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 09-17-2021, 11:40 AM - Forum: Athens Virtual Games - Replies (3)

Friday Night Fights are on - one week from today! Athens is reaching for higher heights with Starfinder Society ONLINE on Friday, September 24, 2021 at 7:00pm
We intend to run one high-tier (5-12) PFS2 or SFS Scenario per online session - monthly on fourth Friday evenings from 7:00pm to midnight!
For September 24, 2021, we offer a high tier scenario from the third season of Starfinder Society for characters Level 9-12
Starfinder Society Scenario #3-14: Fleeting Truth: Hollow Lies  (9-12)  GM: Dave B.
Scenario Tags: None

1. Sashi Soldier 11
2. Barry Soldier 11
3. Sister George Technomancer 12
4. Dr. Lexus 12

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.    Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play.
2.    You will get a PM/email the night before the game with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.    Be ready to meet up on the appointed Friday at 7:00pm – for some fun!

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

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  In Light of Recent Online Events...
Posted by: LokiTheWanderer - 09-16-2021, 09:17 AM - Forum: Georgia PFS/SFS News & Announcements - Replies (1)

Good morning, all.

In light of what's going on in the world of Paizo, I felt an "official" statement of some sort should be made.  Some of what I am going to say may sound a little tone deaf, but I ask you to bear with me and you'll understand why I make the statements I do.

While the Internet world is taking sides and jumping to believe one or the other, that's not why I'm here.   What I believe or don't believe is inconsequential.  To a large degree, I really don't care what goes on at the corporate office until or unless it impacts our group, our reputation, or our credibility in the community.  

Do the allegations bother me?  Absolutely they do.  Having been the target of attempts to get me fired at prior jobs for being male or for a vague accusation of "not feeling safe around me because I'm angry all the time" (by the very person who always made me angry, and on purpose to attempt to trip me up) and having been through HR investigations as a result, not to mention having been on the other side of it where I've had to investigate employee misconduct when I was in management, I understand how complicated things get, especially when people let their feelings get in the way of facts.  The truth is, we may never know what happened, who's telling the truth, or be willing to accept either side's opinions and statements on the matter.

As I stated yesterday during the VC Zoom call/dinner as well, I don't care about what happens at the national level.  GenCon and the other flagship/national/international conventions are not my concern.  My concern is helping the local community flourish.  That is what being a Venture-Captain is about - the local community.  

I do want to make one thing crystal clear, however, and that is this:  I won't tolerate the type of behavior that's alleged to have taken place in our community.  If anyone ever feels that anyone's behavior crosses a line, is being done to exclude them, or otherwise is not holding to the spirit or the written word of the Community Code of Conduct, I want you to know I'm here to listen and will take whatever action is appropriate to address the situation.  I hold myself and the VOs in the area responsible for making sure we're doing what's right for the community and each other.  If at any time you feel we're not, hold us accountable by saying something to any VO, to me, or to our RVC.  If you're still not satisfied, take it up the chain to Organized Play.  But, no matter what, say something because we can't make things right if we don't know they're happening.

Stay safe everyone.

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  PF2S Signup 9/20/2021
Posted by: Michael Lance - 09-14-2021, 06:06 PM - Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth - Replies (3)

Mission: 1-18 Lodge of the Living God (Level 1-4)
Gm: Mike Lance
2:TBD (TBD 1) - Mark
3:Not-So-Sane (Magus 1) - Kathy
4:A Faceless Stalker Dragon Enthusiast (Sorcerer 3) - Rachel
5: Orc with a magic Axe (Magus 1) -Lee
6:Holyfield almost 2 Electric Boogaloo (Champion 1)- Nathan

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PF2 Glyph QAD Online - October 13, 2021 (7:00-10:00pm) - Pathfinder Bounty #13
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 09-14-2021, 02:38 PM - Forum: Athens Virtual Games - Replies (6)

Quests After Dark is going to keep running Online with another Pathfinder, Second Edition, Bounty on Wednesday, October 13, at 7:00pm
We intend to run one PFS2 Bounty per session - on the second Wednesday evening of each month (as further Bounties become available) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.
For October 13, 2021, we offer the next Pathfinder Society, Second Edition, Bounty for Level 1 characters - repeatable again! Pre-generated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Bounty #13: The Blackwood Abundance (Level 1)  GM: Tiffany H.
Scenario Tags: Repeatable

1. Eric - NotBob 1
2. Douglas - Ryvor 1
3. Jack - Rogue 1
4. Bryan - Wizard 1
5. Bart - Dretch 1 
6. Jim - Cleric 1

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.     Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play.
2.     I will reply to you via PM/email with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.     Think about the character or pregen you might like to play and be ready to meet on the appointed Wednesday at 7:00pm – for some fun!

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

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  PF2S Signup 9/13/21
Posted by: Michael Lance - 09-08-2021, 11:12 AM - Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth - Replies (2)

Scenario: 2-09 The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy (1-4)
Gm: Mark Lance
1: TBD (TBD 1-4) - Mike
2: Holyfield (Paladin 1) Nathan
3: Something with a face (TBD 1) - Lee
4: Altheia the faceless horror (Sorcerer 2) - Rachel
5: TBD (TBD 1) - Kathy

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  New Store In Cumming - Dice Goblin Games and Grill
Posted by: verminnes13 - 09-04-2021, 04:18 PM - Forum: Georgia PFS/SFS News & Announcements - No Replies

Hey guys there is a new game store in Cumming GA called Dice Goblin Games and Grill.  

I am posting this to gauge interest in setting up some Society play at the store.  Here is a general idea of game frequency

  • Once a month
  • Probably the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the month.  
  • Time will be around 2-7, depending on availability/ player preference  

There are 2 options for setting up a table.
  1. Free Play but the schedule is not fixed and the date and time will need to be set up month to month and based on events in the store/ availability of tables.
  2. $5 per player and the game is set up through the store.  This means the date/time is more fixed and we will have table priority.
So let me know your opinions.

Thanks Kaiser

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