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  Incident Reporting
Posted by: LokiTheWanderer - 06-07-2021, 08:12 PM - Forum: Atlanta Administration - No Replies

In an effort to embrace the digital age and to both streamline and improve processes, the Organized Play Foundation (OPF), the organization responsible for Paizo Organized Play (OP), has multiple Venture-Officer (VO) task forces working on specific projects that impact the global campaign.

One of those task forces, the VO Handbook Task Force, has been working on putting together some guidance for all VOs on a number of topics. One of those topics is incident reporting. Any incidents that take place involving any member of the Atlanta Lodge need to be documented. This can be something as minor as an issue with language used during an OP event that’s handled at the table up to and including things that may involve law enforcement. Keeping records of these issues is going to be considered mandatory for every VO, especially to justify any actions taken if those actions are appealed.

To that end, after consulting with Doug Edwards, our Regional Venture-Coordinator (RVC), who expressed a desire to make the form open for everyone (Players, GMs, VOs, Paizo personnel, venue / event / convention staff) to use, I created an incident reporting form (located at https://gapfs.org/atlanta/incident) that is tied to an Excel spreadsheet to serve as a reporting database. The submitted information is only viewable by Venture-Captains (Tiffany and I) and our RVC (Doug). Any additional information that needs to be included that isn’t able to be appended to the form, or incidents where you don’t feel comfortable filling out the form, should be sent to me via email. Urgent issues should include a phone call. My contact information is in my bio on this site.

As mentioned already, not every incident will require an investigation, as there will be issues addressed on the spot. Any incident submitted will be taken seriously and investigated (as needed) thoroughly and with as much discretion as possible.

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  Atlanta Lodge Warhorn Page
Posted by: LokiTheWanderer - 06-07-2021, 07:25 PM - Forum: Atlanta Administration - Replies (1)

The Organized Play Foundation forged a partnership with Warhorn in the last year, and OP Management wants us to leverage that by using Warhorn for scheduling whenever possible.  To that end, I've already discussed scheduling with the VOs in our last meeting, and have requested each of them sign up on the event page on Warhorn so I can add the Staff role to them.  We will be using Warhorn for scheduling going forward, but also posting to the Forums with a link to the Warhorn page.

For anyone who has not yet signed up on the group Warhorn page, I would encourage you to do so, as it will be our official sign-up for players and GMs.

**Edit**  Because I forgot to say so earlier, if you want to get the GM tag on the Warhorn page, send me a message to let me know and I'll make it happen.

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PF2 Glyph Tyche's PFS 2.0 - June 19, 2021 (12-5pm)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 05-31-2021, 12:02 PM - Forum: Tyche's Games - Replies (14)

Come on down to Tyche's Games, our longest running venue!

1056 S Lumpkin Street Athens, GA 30605

Tyche's Games, will host our return to live Organized Play gaming on June 19, 2021 from 12-5pm. Please show Tyche's some love with your patronage for exciting in-game effects or display your genuine Paizo/Pathfinder swag and get a re-roll or other fabulous benefits.
Store policy: Masks for non-vaccinated people and a request for all to wear masks when customers are in the store.

Low/No Contact Event: Sign-in sheets and chronicle sheets will be completed and distributed digitally. 

Going forward, we intend to run one table of PFS2, SFS, or PFS1 scenario per session, on the third Saturday of each month from 12-5pm.
For June 19, 2021, we offer a new scenario from the second season of Pathfinder Society for characters Level 3-6. Pregenerated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-15: A Dirge for Sarkoris (3-6)  
GM: Jim H.
Scenario Tags: None

1. Eric - Sign me up!
2. Douglas - Uh yeah!
3. Tiffany - Me too!
4. Scott - Me too, too!
5. Jack - Woot!

Those new to Pathfinder Society Organized Play are free to bring a character made under the PFS 2.0 rules or to simply come and play one of the pre-generated characters that we will have at the event.   
If you would like to participate, please reply to this post with: your name and your character's class and level - color commentary is also encouraged.  Walk-ins are welcome and we will always do our best to accommodate, but if you reserve a slot you will be guaranteed a spot to play.

If you have any questions, please post them here or send me (Tiffany H.) a private message.

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Heart Tyche's Gameday Is Back!
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 05-31-2021, 11:57 AM - Forum: Tyche's Games - No Replies

Tyche's Gameday is back!

Going forward, we intend to run one table of a PFS2, SFS, or PFS1 scenario per session,  
on the third Saturday of each month from  12-5pm.

**Store policy:** Masks for non-vaccinated people and a request for all to wear masks when customers are in the store.

**Low/No Contact Event:** Sign-in sheets and chronicle sheets will be completed and distributed digitally. 

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Exclamation Return to in-person Gaming Survey
Posted by: LokiTheWanderer - 05-24-2021, 04:41 PM - Forum: Georgia PFS/SFS News & Announcements - Replies (2)

Hi, everyone.

As promised in my last update, I gave the Venture-Officers the opportunity to review the anonymous survey I created to send out to the lodge to get a feel for the general comfort level for a return to in-person play as well as what would make everyone more comfortable.

Before I include the link to the survey, I want to share the health & safety rules put in place by the various venues and conventions in the area where we run or play our games. Since this list is subject to change, I’m sharing it as a link to a Google document that I’ll continue to update as requirements are adjusted.

FLGS & Convention Safety Requirements & Space Updates

As for the survey, it is completely anonymous, with none of the questions being required. I ask that you answer honestly, taking your time to consider your responses before making them. I will be sharing the venue-specific results with the Venture-Officers so they can look over what their venue(s) are requesting in order to feel comfortable returning to in-person play and approach venue or event management accordingly. Also, if you know anyone who participates in games with us who is also not connected to us online (via the forums, Facebook, or elsewhere), or are a representative of one of the venues or conventions where we organize games, please feel free to forward or cross-post this anywhere you feel appropriate (I will be posting this on our forums, our Discord Server, our Facebook Group, the MAG Gaming Group Facebook page / Discord server, and, if permitted by their moderators, the DragonCon Official Facebook page / Discord server).

Return to In-Person Games Survey

Thanks in advance for your participation.


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  PF2 Humble Bundle
Posted by: jackd - 05-24-2021, 02:08 PM - Forum: Georgia PFS/SFS News & Announcements - No Replies

They're calling it the Second Edition Bestiary, but it includes a lot more:

If you go with the highest tier ($25+) you get e-versions of 

  • Core Rulebook
  • Bestiary
  • Lost Omens World Guide
  • Gamemastery Guide
  • Lost Omens Gods and Magic
  • several PFS scenarios and quests
  • The Extinction Curse Adventure Path
  • A bunch of maps
  • A bunch of Pathfinder Tales.

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Exclamation An update on returning to in-person game sessions
Posted by: LokiTheWanderer - 05-19-2021, 09:19 PM - Forum: Georgia PFS/SFS News & Announcements - No Replies

As I promised in my last update, we’ve begun discussion around a return to in-person games. In the interest of transparency, I wanted to inform all of you about the discussions at this point.

First, on May 14th, the Executive Director of the Organized Play Foundation made an official statement regarding a return to physical play. The crux of that statement is as follows:

  • Find out what the venue’s or event’s restrictions are for physical play
    • Adhere to the venue’s or event’s restrictions
    • If you feel the restrictions are excessive, approach the Venture-Officer responsible for the venue or event to discuss it.  If enough players feel that way, the Venture-Officer can take it to venue or event management to discuss obtaining a written waiver to permit Organized Play games to take place with lessened restrictions.
    • If you feel the restrictions in place are not enough for your comfort but would be comfortable with something over and above what the venue or event requires, approach the Venture-Officer responsible for the venue or event to discuss it.  If enough players feel that way, the Venture-Officer can take it to venue or event management and ask to have table-specific restrictions in place to be eligible to participate in OP tables at the venue or event.  This agreement should be in writing and should indicate that the venue or event is willing to back the Venture-Officer should there be any complaints about the additional restrictions
    • Venture-Officers and Game Masters are not responsible for enforcing venue or event restrictions, but are responsible for enforcing any table restrictions not set by the venue or event.
    • If a venue or event is not willing to accept requests that will make the Venture-Officer, Game Masters, and Players comfortable with physical play, the Venture-Officer may refuse to hold physical games at that location and request to be considered for future events.
    • All restrictions must be clearly communicated to attendees ahead of the event.
    • All Game Masters and Players must agree to adhere to the restrictions or be turned away.
    • Venture-Officers and Game Masters are free to cancel a game at any time (including during the game) if the venue or event’s behavior around safety restrictions makes them uncomfortable engaging in physical play at the venue or event. 
      • Players at sessions that are canceled while in play have the option to request either a full chronicle sheet as though they had completed the session or that the interrupted session not have their information included in reporting so they can be eligible to run through the adventure in the future.
      • If an event is canceled due to health and safety concerns, the Venture-Officer responsible for the venue or event should communicate with the venue or event, copying their Venture-Lieutenant or Venture-Captain that details the issues that led to cancellation.
This led me to reach out to each of the remaining venues previously active for GA PFS in Atlanta to find out their health and safety precautions. Below is what I’ve received to date, either by direct contact with the venues or by statements of the Venture-Officers responsible for the venues.

Effective 5/15/21
Allowing events again
Changes effective 5/24:
Adding TTRPG tables (losing about 3)
Masks required except when eating or drinking (possible end date June 18)
Removing 50 person capacity cap
Requirement to remain 6’ apart becomes a recommendation
Effective 4/18/21
No safety requirements - only a suggestion that patrons wear masks
New space as of 5/14
More room in new space and more spread out
When RPG rooms are up and running within the next month, may have even more space.
HobbyTown USA
Message sent 5/15
Message sent 5/15
Effective 5/15/21
Not currently permitting in-person events.
Moving to a new space in June and will look to resume in-person sessions then.
When open to games in store again, masks will be required.
My Parents’ Basement
Message sent 5/15
Manuel’s Tavern
Message sent 5/15
Mask required when not eating
No distancing possible due to table seating

Additionally, DragonCon announced on the 17th an intent to hold an in-person convention this year, though it may be in a limited attendance capacity or have other health and safety requirements implemented when it comes around.

So, where does that leave us?

With two venues offering in-person sessions and two more potentially coming back online for in-person sessions next month, we’ve gotten a step closer to a return to physical games.

There is another step I want us to take to get us ready to return to face to face games – a survey. I’ve created an anonymous survey that I intend to send out to the lodge to determine the willingness and comfort level going back to physical games (while still maintaining an online gaming presence). That survey is not quite ready for prime time yet, as I just shared it with the venture-officers tonight and asked for their review and input on any changes I need to make to the document before I release it to everyone. Though none of the questions are required, nor is participation, I would like to encourage everyone to take the time to participate and provide your invaluable feedback. The data collected will go a long way to helping the Venture-Officers determine if their venues’ player / GM base wants specific health and safety requirements in place before they return to the tables.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me to discuss.

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PF2 Glyph AAN - June 6, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - PFS2 #2-13: A Gilded Test (1-4)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 05-19-2021, 10:42 AM - Forum: Athens Virtual Games - Replies (11)

Athens After Noon is physical-distancing and social-closening with Pathfinder, Second Edition on Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 1:00pm
We intend to run one PFS2 or SFS Scenario per online session (possibly with multiple tables) - every other Sunday afternoon from 1:00 to 6:00pm.
For June 6, 2021, we offer a new scenario from the second season of Pathfinder Society for characters Level 1-4. Pregenerated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-13: A Gilded Test (1-4)  GM: Tiffany H., Jim H.
Scenario Tags: None

1. Douglas - Alchemist 2
2. Amberlee - Cleric 1
3. Bart - Rogue 2
4. Caleb - Monk 3, Fighter 4, or Cleric 2
5. Eric - Options 1-4
6. Scott - Redeemer 2
7. Jason - Alchemist 4
8. Nate - Options 1-3
9. Liam - Clerical Staff 1

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.     Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play.
2.     You will get a PM/email the night before the game with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.    Be ready to meet up on the appointed Sunday at 1:00pm – for some fun!

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

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  sign me up
Posted by: Eric - 05-15-2021, 06:10 PM - Forum: Tyche's Games - No Replies


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PF2 Glyph QAD - June 9, 2021 (7:00-10:00pm) - Pathfinder Bounty #9
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 05-15-2021, 02:11 PM - Forum: Athens Virtual Games - Replies (8)

Quests After Dark is physical-distancing and social-closening with another Pathfinder, Second Edition Bounty on Wednesday, June 9, at 7:00pm
We intend to run one PFS2 Bounty per session - one Wednesday evening each month (as further Bounties become available) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.
For June 9, 2021, we offer the next Pathfinder Society Second Edition Bounty for Level 1 characters - repeatable again! Pre-generated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Bounty #9: Fishing in Anthusis (Level 1)  GM: Tiffany H.
Scenario Tags: Repeatable

1. Douglas - Pooky 1
2. Eric - Bob the Bounty 1
3. A - Vadic 1
4. Bart - Stirge 1
5. Amberlee - Alafare 1
6. Jim - Oracle 1

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.     Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play.
2.     I will reply to you via PM/email with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.     Think about the character or pregen you might like to play and be ready to meet on the appointed Wednesday at 7:00pm – for some fun!

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

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