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SF Logo Starfinder Tuesdays @ Titan Duluth on Tuesday, September 4th, 2018 @ 7:00pm
Posted by: TheMaskedFerret - 08-13-2018, 05:24 PM - Forum: Level Up Games - Duluth - Replies (3)

The Tuesday game at Titan Duluth! Advanced registration is appreciated and helps us to make sure we have enough GMs for everyone to play.

Date: Tuesday, September 4th, 2018
Time: 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Event Number: 155317
     Titan Games and Comics Duluth
     2131 Pleasant Hill Rd #129
      Duluth, GA 30096

Into the Unknown, because Aeon Throne did not ship in time due to Paizo web issues.  

You can make your own characters, or there should be pregens available for 1st level characters. Assuming that there are, I will provide copies.

Table 1
GM: Glen Parnell
Player 1: Wintersbane
Player 2: Manny
Player 3: Fred 
Player 4: Commander Flownder
Player 5: 
Player 6: 
Player 7: 

This is cross-posted to the Titan Duluth Meetup

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  SFS 9/9 - Duskmire Accord 9 (Lvl1-4) & Yesteryear's Sorrow (Lvl 3-6)
Posted by: huntsfromshadow - 08-13-2018, 03:47 PM - Forum: Heroic Gaming - Replies (5)

On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, we will be hosting an SFS Game at the Heroic Gaming store in Roswell, Georgia. Heroic Gaming is a kid-friendly, family-oriented gaming space.

The store is located at:
4651 Woodstock Road, Suite 205, Roswell GA 30075.

The store's phone number is 770-709-4376.

This month the game day will occur on 9/9

If you would like to reserve a slot for one of these games, please respond by noting:

Scenario you want to play
Real Name
Character Class
Character Level

If you have any questions, please either post below or email Luke Mc (huntsfromshadow @ gmail . com).

We will be running a high tier table and low tier for this event.

Event Code: 414,083
Slot Time: 1 pm to 6 PM

Secnario: 1-20: Duskmire Accord 9 (Lvl 1-4)

A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4.

A vault opens inside the mysterious false moon of Salvation's End, and the Starfinder Society sends in a team of agents to investigate. Although it has discerned little about the vault"s interior, the Society has identified a powerful energy signature near the vault's center. Several factions within the vault clash for control of the area. If the PCs are to succeed at their mission, they'll need to choose a side.

Content in Duskmire Accord 9 is a continuation of the Starfinder Society special, Starfinder Society #1-00: Claim to Salvation and Starfinder Society #1-09: Live Exploration Extreme!; however, playing those previous scenarios is not required.

GM: Perry
* Sam R. (Lvl 3 Operative or Lvl 1 Solarian)
* Dave
* Jez
* Dara
* Open
* Open

Scenario: 1-21: Yesteryear's Sorrow (Lvl 3-6)

The Exo-Guardians' leader, Zigvigix, has been forced by recent events to revaluate the Society's arsenal of weapons. They order a new exploration mission to the irradiated nuclear wasteland world of Elytrio, homeworld of the beetle-like ghibrani species. Far from the homes of the surviving ghibranis, the PCs travel into a missile silo that contributed to the death of a world. What deadly weapons can the PCs find and what further concealed truths are there to uncover about the history of the ghibranis?

Content in Yesteryear's Sorrow is a continuation of the Starfinder Society scenario, Starfinder Society #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth, however, playing this previous scenario is not required.

GM: Luke
* Jon (Envoy 6 Medic) [GaPFS]
* Jons S. (Soilder Lvl 6) [GaPFS]
* Chuck
* Daneil C.
* Open
* Open

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  Season 10 Guide and Faction cards have been posted
Posted by: Abraham Z - 08-10-2018, 01:22 PM - Forum: Georgia PFS/SFS News & Announcements - No Replies

Paizo has posted the Guide to Organized Play for Season 10, as well as the updated Faction Journal Cards. Here's a list of the changes in the Guide that they sent out:

We have updated the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide with changes for Season of the Ten. These changes include:

Overarching: Cleaned up language surrounding the word "Adventure." Replaced some instances of "scenario" with "adventure" when speaking about general rules, such as in the rules for applying Chronicle sheets. Quests are now officially defined as a type of adventure, and places where quests are an exception to normal adventure rules are specifically noted in the text. All added text to establish these exceptions is listed below.
Page 5: Clarified that rules reprinted in full on Chronicle sheet may be used in place of an accessible copy of their rulebook source.
Page 12: Specified that characters in The Concordance can use Osirion faction missions in Season 0–2 scenarios. Clarified the rules for Campaign Mode credit to allow credit to be applied to characters of the same level and to make it clear that Campaign Mode characters do not need to spend resources on their Chronicle sheets to remove negative conditions.
Page 15-16: Revised the rules for applying Chronicle sheets to better accommodate purchasing items between sessions.
Page 18: GM star replays can be used with any adventure that awards a single XP-granting Chronicle sheet, not just with scenarios.
Page 20: Clarified that characters who die and are raised during a quest need only complete one encounter to receive full XP for that quest, rather that three encounters (which would be impossible in a typical quest).
Page 23: Clarified the rules for plane shift and tuning forks.
Page 26: Added the Vudrani ethnicity to the list of ethnicities that grant a specific starting language (in this case, Vudrani). Added Samsaran to the list of races that gain Tien as a language if they are from Tian Xia.
Page 36: Added the following sentence to the description of Downtime, "The length of this downtime is not defined, allowing PCs time to rest, recuperate, and recharge items like staves.” Clarified that a quest series counts as one adventure for the purposes of Downtime.
Faction Appendix: Updated the season goals of all factions, as well as the leader of the Liberty’s Edge faction. Removed the Scarab Sages from the list of active factions, and added a paragraph describing its function as an inactive faction.
Page 40: Cleaned up the language regarding Pathfinder Tales boons to better reflect the multiple existing boon formats. Added faction pin benefits for The Concordance. Established that you cannot use the reroll benefit from wearing or using specific Paizo-related products on the same roll that you also use another reroll ability. Clarified that rolling a natural 1 does not mean you cannot use a reroll.
Glossary: Added Quests to the definition of adventure.
Page 46-50: Added the Story So Far as an appendix to the Guide. Updated the entry for Season 9 and added an entry for Season 10.

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  My Parents' Basement - September 12
Posted by: Abraham Z - 08-10-2018, 01:12 PM - Forum: My Parents' Basement - Replies (31)

My Parents' Basement is a combination restaurant, bar and comic book store. Games, food, beer and comics - what more could you need? By the way, they have a lot of beers on tap. The Pathfinder Society meets at My Parents' Basement on the second Wednesday of every month.

Wednesday, September 12, 6:30-11:00

This month we'll be doing something a bit different: in addition to our customary Pathfinder scenario (this month, a low tier season 9 adventure GM-ed by Travis), we'll also be offering a table of one of the Pathfinder 2.0 playtest scenarios, GM-ed by Henry. No prior experience with or knowledge of Pathfinder 2.0 is required and pregenerated characters will be available.

Table 1: 9-10 Signs in Senghor (1-5)
In the port of Senghor, it is taboo to even speak of the accursed ruin of Boali that sits on the other side of the bay, let alone to set foot in its rubble-strewn streets. Yet rumors have reached the Pathfinder Society that the Aspis Consortium has sent agents to search through this forbidden city. Although few people willingly travel to its shores, Boali is far from quiet. It falls to a small group Pathfinder agents to get the bottom of the Aspis plot without falling prey to the ruin's dangers. Can the PCs bring the Consortiums' true motives to light? Contents in Signs in Senghor also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Exchange faction. Written by Kris Leonard.
GM: Travis
1. Lisa
2. Bart - something 5
3. Josh -

Table 2 Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest Scenario (which one TBD)
GM: Henry
1. RJ
2. David M.
3. Kerney
5. Jenn
6. John

Please sign up by replying to this thread. You can also reply with requests for this night's scenario or something you'd like to play in the future. I try to choose scenarios based on what our players have played and/or need to play so keeping your signatures updated is a good way to let me know what you want to play. Even better, if you use pfstracker.net to track what you've played, please tell me your username there so I can easily filter to find which scenarios are unplayed by the largest group of our players.

Abraham Z (that's me) is your store liaison. If you have questions, concerns or comments, please feel free to contact me in person, by private message or in this forum thread.

My Parents' Basement is at 22 N Avondale Rd, Avondale Estates, GA 30002.

GMs: event code is #152629

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  Pathfinder Playtest Errata
Posted by: Andrew Roberts - 08-10-2018, 08:50 AM - Forum: General Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest Discussion - Replies (1)

Here, I am just going to list any errata I find or know of so that everyone can see it. The errata will have an official document soon so I will link to that once we have it:

August 7th, 2018. Source: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2vawh?Post-Gen-Con-Update

Quote:- All PCs are trained in being unarmored. 
- Both Alchemists and Druids should be trained in 3 skills (+ Int Mod) each (instead of 2 and 4 respectively). 
- Alchemists can use Quick Alchemy for any alchemical item in their formula book.

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  Manuel's August Game Day (Slot 0) August 22nd(from 6:30pm until 11pm)
Posted by: Dan C. - 08-09-2018, 07:36 PM - Forum: Manuel's Tavern - Replies (11)

Due to a quirk in the calendar, our regular Starfinder day and our PFS day are consecutive.  Since I know most people can't make two days in a row and, I didn't really want to cancel the PFS day, I talked to Will and we're going to turn the 22nd into a Slot 0 for Dragon Con.  Slot 0s are typically for GMs to try out the scenarios they are running as well as to give GMs a chance to play before the con begins.  In this particular case, we're giving people putting on DC a chance to practice with Pathfinder 2.0 and it's play test.  

We traditionally wait until Dragon Con to offer the new stuff, so, this will be invitation only, in order to not cannibalize our tables that weekend.  Because of the work that they put into making Georgia PFS run, VO's and liaisons are welcome to sign up.  In addition, I've sent out some private messages to former players that no longer come to our game days, to see if there is a shot to lure them back into the fold.  Finally, I will round out the tables with a few of my regular players(if there is space), since this is one of our regular game days. 

We will be offering the tier 1-5 scenario "The Rose Street Revenge".  It runs just like a regular scenario, using the new 2.0 rules.  You will not receive a chronicle sheet at the end; instead, you will receive a tracking sheet.  Each time you partake in a playtest game, whether it's at a regular game day or convention, you will earn points that are tracked.  Next year, when 2.0 comes out, you can trade in these points for stuff... there hasn't been a list made yet but, some of the suggestions are to be able to start your real 2.0 character at level 2, get access to restricted loot, or perhaps open up other races.  

If you are joining us this evening, you can create your own character or use a pre-gen... everything is available as a free download on paizo.com.  I would highly recommend that you look over the rules, as quite a bit has changed.  You don't have to memorize them, as the scenario kind of puts you in situations to highlight the changes but, it will make everyones' game more enjoyable if you skim over the new rules.  In addition, you can register your playtest character just like any other character, through your Paizo account; the numbering system starts with -1501.

Playtest Scenario #1  The Rose Street Revenge  (Tiers 1-5)  GM:  Dan
1.  Joe-Cleric 1
2.  Alex-Bard 1
3.  Bart
4.  Lisa
5.  Haller-Rogue 1
6.  Joe's Friend

Playtest Scenario #1  The Rose Street Revenge  (Tiers 1-5)  GM:  Liam
1.  Will - Alchemist 1
2.  Nathan
3.  Josh
4.  Jenn
5.  Chas
6.  Jason

If we fill this up, we can potentially add one more table.

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  How to encourage more GMs
Posted by: Kerney - 08-08-2018, 11:24 AM - Forum: Georgia PFS/SFS News & Announcements - Replies (13)

This week I GM'd at Giga and at MPB and was asked to GM at wasteland. I don't see many people stepping up.

So how do we change that?

My suggestions--

Everyone contributes $1-2 to the GM help with prep. Other cities do this but for whatever reason it has been a no no in Atlanta. This IMHO makes little sense.

GMs having an informal rotation system. MPB has me, Abraham, and Henry taking turns.

Offering the "newest" scenarios later in the month so that players don't feel like they "lost out" on any chance to play.

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gapfs PFS Organizer Needed: Wasteland
Posted by: pgfrix - 08-08-2018, 10:39 AM - Forum: Georgia PFS/SFS News & Announcements - No Replies

Given the apparent public interest in continuing the PFS campaign at the Wasteland venue in Duluth, Georgia, I'd like a volunteer to take over organization of a second Saturday event there on a monthly basis.

The goal with two events would be to fork off a full day of PFS from SFS rather than continuing the hybrid event model.

If you're interested, please contact me - I'd like to see this start in Q4 2018.

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Rainbow Wasteland Gaming (WLG) September 8, 2018 Game Day
Posted by: pgfrix - 08-08-2018, 10:30 AM - Forum: Wasteland Gaming - Replies (14)

Every second Saturday of the month, we will be hosting our first Organized Play Game Day featuring Starfinder Society at The Wasteland Games store in Duluth. The store is located at: 3700 Satellite Blvd, Suite 7B, Duluth GA 30096. Phone number is 770-921-5511.

This month the game day will occur on September 8, 2018.

Location Bonus: For every $10 spent at the store, you can either get a reroll (max one per scenario) or +1 on an existing reroll.

This event has been authorized to participate in the Regional Support Program.  http://paizo.com/organizedplay/policies

Event Code: 362082

12:30 PM – 5:30 PM

8-13 - What Sleeps in Stone (7-11)    GM - Perry

The snowcapped summits and volcanic peaks of the Kullan Dei range cuts across Tian Xia, yet there is more to these mountains than ice and wind; the Pathfinder Society has learned of a priceless artifact hidden within a dormant volcano long ago. As the PCs retrace the path of an ancient hero, will they conquer the mountains or perish as have so many who came before?

Written by Larry Wilhelm.

1.   Patricia - Druid 8/Sorcerer 1
2.   Leo - Oracle 7
3.   Lee - Magus 11
4.   Matt - Barb 9?
5.   Matt 2 - Pregen 7?
6.  Dan C


6:30 PM – 11:30 PM

1-15 — Save the Renkrodas! (3-6)    GM - 

For decades, the feathered renkrodas of Castrovel have teetered on the brink of extinction. Sympathies have grown for species' plight, and thanks to contributions from Radaszam of the Acquisitives faction, a gala and pledge drive is scheduled in one of Castrovel's wilderness preserves. When the PCs attend the gala as Radaszam's escort, they quickly learn that a group of extremists have dangerous plans of their own to end to the renkrodas' plight. When these extremists launch a daring attack, it's up to the PCs to save the gala, save the attendees, and—most of all—save the renkrodas!

Content in Save the Renkrodas also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Acquisitives faction.

Written by Andrew Hoskins

Scenario Tags: Faction (Acquisitives), Vehicle


If you would like to reserve a slot for this event, please respond by noting:

Real Name
Character Class
Character Level

Due to the scarcity of GMs, you MUST reserve a slot in order to play. With ample warning (such as signing up at least three days before the event), we can often increase the number of tables being run. 

If you have any questions, please either post below or send a forum message to Perry Frix (pgfrix @ gmail . com).

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  GM Needed - Wasteland - 8/11, Afternoon PFS Slot
Posted by: pgfrix - 08-05-2018, 08:48 AM - Forum: Calling All GMs! - No Replies

Good morning, all.

We've reached critical mass on a table of 8-24, Raid on Cloudborne Keep next Saturday, and I was hoping someone from the community could cover GMing the table.

Usual base incentives: it's a PFS table (useful if you want to claim stars in the last year of the campaign), it's RSP (useful if you want the GM reward), etc.

I *can* cover it, but I'd rather not.  I've not played it so it would be a near cold run for me.

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