Athens After Dark SFS - July 24, 2018 (6:30-11:30pm)
Durn it - turned my back and table filled.

Waitlist me with Envoy 6.
Wasteland Gaming Liaison

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

Please mark me down on the waitlist for a pregen, or potentially a back-up GM for emergency use
(07-09-2018, 05:28 PM)kysharr Wrote: Please mark me down on the waitlist for a pregen, or potentially a back-up GM for emergency use

It looks like we'll be only one table tonight - I'll bring the pregens and plan for 7 players. Thanks just the same for prepping backup, Kyle!
List of Pathfinder Society played and GMed:
Shannon Whoehler would like to play but says the forum won't let him post yet.
(07-24-2018, 09:33 AM)Eric Wrote: Shannon Whoehler would like to play but says the forum won't let him post yet.

Thanks for the heads-up, Eric. Clearance to post takes a bit to update, but Shannon is on the list and I'll plan a break to two tables if everyone shows up.
List of Pathfinder Society played and GMed:
Explore Space - check.
Cooperate in Space - check.
Report about Stuff We Did in Space - check.

Athens After Dark for July 24, 2018 has been reported.

Thanks to those who came down and contributed to the Renkroda Conservancy effort. Extra appreciative noises for the excellence of GMs DaveB. and Kyle.

Please send me a PM if you have questions or concerns.
List of Pathfinder Society played and GMed:

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