QAD - August 11, 2021 (7:00-10:00pm) - Pathfinder Bounty #11
PF2 Glyph 
Quests After Dark is running Online with another Pathfinder, Second Edition, Bounty on Wednesday, August 11, at 7:00pm
We intend to run one PFS2 Bounty per session - on the second Wednesday evening of each month (as further Bounties become available) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.
For August 11, 2021, we offer the next Pathfinder Society, Second Edition, Bounty for Level 1 characters - repeatable again! Pre-generated Characters will be available. 
Pathfinder Bounty #11: Forged Facade (Level 1)  GM: Tiffany H.
Scenario Tags: Repeatable

1. Douglas - Ryvor Ranger 1
2. Bryan - Dyatlov Ranger 1
3. Eric - Something 1
4. Amberlee - Snam Snung 1
5. Bart - Stirge 1
6. Jim - Fighter 1

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.     Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play.
2.     I will reply to you via PM/email with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.     Think about the character or pregen you might like to play and be ready to meet on the appointed Wednesday at 7:00pm – for some fun!

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.
List of Pathfinder Society played and GMed:
Ryvor, Ranger-1
Is this for PFS?

Is this like a quest scenerio like Silverhex in 1st edition?
(07-19-2021, 11:48 AM)Bryan Y Wrote: Is this for PFS?

Is this like a quest scenerio like Silverhex in 1st edition?

The Bounty is a PFS2 "quest" - each Bounty is repeatable, runs about 1-2 hours, is for Level 1 characters, and awards 1 xp (Slow track rate, one quarter of a scenario). So it would be like doing one of the four parts of Silverhex.

Let me know if you have any other questions - cheers!
List of Pathfinder Society played and GMed:
I'll play a Bard: Level 1 Constantine
Sign me up
Snam Snug the glaive wielding gnome <3
Can you please reserve a seat for me? I will play Stirge Goblin 1.
I'll play, probably a fighter
(07-19-2021, 01:07 PM)Tiffany H. Wrote:
(07-19-2021, 11:48 AM)Bryan Y Wrote: Is this for PFS?

Is this like a quest scenerio like Silverhex in 1st edition?

The Bounty is a PFS2 "quest" - each Bounty is repeatable, runs about 1-2 hours, is for Level 1 characters, and awards 1 xp (Slow track rate, one quarter of a scenario). So it would be like doing one of the four parts of Silverhex.

Let me know if you have any other questions - cheers!

With my character, I have 7 xps at normal advancement.  Can I suddenly switch to slow advancement?  I like playing the bounty scenerios.  I wish play more of them.

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