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  MomoCon 2017, Atlanta, May 25th-28th
Posted by: Andrew Roberts - 05-01-2017, 09:53 AM - Forum: Conventions - Replies (25)

Welcome to MomoCon 2017!

Warhorn and Sign-up Link: Warhorn Link

We will be in exhibition hall A-1 in the back corner. Link to the map of MomoCon.

MomoCon 2017 will be May 25th to May 28th and takes place at the Georgia World Congress Center.
We will be running the #6-00: Legacy of the Stonelords (Levels 1-11), one of the season 6 interactive specials, Saturday during the afternoon slot. Most of the schedule is our regular Standard tables (3-4 tables per slot), and, as many of you know who have attended MomoCon, there is an extremely heavy walk-in traffic, so for those I have put tables of PFS Quests (2 tables per slot). This is important so that we can have a separation between those willing to play a scenario for 4-5 hours, and those that only want to be there 0.5-1.5 hours. The special is scheduled to have 5 Standard tables. There will be no CORE as this convention unless demand arises (for example, the special potentially) as last year not a single one of those tables made.

Convenient way to view the Pathfinder Society scheduleCondensed list of the schedule.

MORE INFORMATION ON PFS QUEST TABLES: You can sign up as a GM for these tables, but not as a player. These tables will count towards your GM total number of tables ran whether you actually end up GMing something or not. (Although, the way MomoCon traffic is, I would count on GMing at least some during your time slot, if not all). Our regular players are of course welcome to play at these tables, but again, there will be no way to sign up for them ahead of time and you need to be flexible with the people you will be playing with. If you sign up as a GM for those slots, be aware that you will be mostly dealing with newer players and need to be ready to explain the game, rules, and be catering to them. You may have people walk up in the middle of combat. I encourage all GMs for these quests to be as flexible as possible. Judge whether they need PFS numbers or not. Some people are there to play and never be seen again after about an hour of play. If someone only stays for one quest and is never to be seen again, it might not be a good application to give them a PFS number or chronicle...but if they stay for like 2 or more, it might be a good time to introduce those things to them and the campaign. If someone is staying for a lot of quests, perhaps they can graduate to one of the longer slots. Please do not sign up for this slot if you do not like having players new to the system or do not feel like being flexible in your GMing style.

Convention Information: With 28,300 unique and over 71,000 turnstile attendance in 2016, MomoCon is one of the fastest growing all ages conventions in the country. Fans of Japanese Anime, American Animation, Comics, Video Games, and Tabletop Games come together to celebrate their passion by costuming / cosplay, browsing the huge exhibitors hall, meeting celebrity voice talent, designers, and writers behind their favorite shows, games, and comics and much much more over this 4 day event. (Taken from MomoCon website)
If you want to be guaranteed to play or GM a slot, please sign up on the Warhorn link above.

For more information on MomoCon, please visithttp://www.momocon.com/

Convenient way to view the Pathfinder Society scheduleCondensed list of the schedule.

Link to Registration for MomoCon

MomoCon Pricing Information: 
  • 4-day Preregister Discount: $57 (+ $10 for mailed badge (optional) - mailed option ends May 1st) 
  • Door prices will most likely be more expensive. 
  • Thursday May 26th 2016: 3PM – 2AM (registration – 12pm – 11pm) $30 single day price at the door 
  • Friday May 27th 2016: 10AM – 2AM (registration – 9am – 11pm) $45 single day price at the door 
  • Saturday May 28th 2016: 10AM – 2AM (registration – 9am – 11pm) $45 single day price at the door 
  • Sunday May 29th 2016: 10AM – 5PM (registration – 9am – 3pm) $30 single day price at the door 
  • There is no fee associated with playing in any slot of Pathfinder Society, although you must have a badge to enter the convention.
GM Information:

GM tiers
Tier 1 (3 slots or more) - Free badge, GM Boon 
Tier 2 (1 or 2 slots) - GM boon

I can provide chronicle sheets for GMs, but the assumption this year is that I won't be providing them unless you ask me. Don't be afraid to ask, though, as I have zero problems providing them. I mostly want to avoid using 5x the paper I need to. I will still have spare Silverhex/Phantom Phenomena/Honor's Echo/Legacy of the Stonelords chronicles regardless.
Tier 1 GMs (but not Tier 2 GMs) will also be required to fill out a volunteer form, but are not required to do any of the other volunteer-type of information (such as you don't have to attend a MomoCon volunteer meeting). Please see the spoiler below with the link and how to fill this out.

Tier 1 GMs ONLY: 
  • Link to Sign-Up Form 
  • Fill out all required information. 
  • Fill out Departments as "Pathfinder Society." 
  • Don't worry about "Schedule." 
  • In the Volunteer History box, put the following: "I am a Pathfinder Society Game Master who is volunteering to GM at least 3 slots at MomoCon 2016." 
  • For "What year did you first start volunteering for MomoCon?" put the first year you started GMing for MomoCon. 
  • Submit your application 
  • That's it! Don't worry about all the other stuff on the Volunteer website, and let me know if you have any questions. This is mostly so they can know who they are giving a badge to and so they can track their volunteers. (Also, don't worry about the Shiftboard stuff. We are doing our scheduling on Warhorn instead.) Also keep in mind that any e-mails you get from Shiftboard may pertain to other games (other organized play or non-organized play). Please ignore those e-mails. I will let you know if it is pertinent to you.

Event Code: 92914

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  Welcome to the Conventions Forum!
Posted by: Will Dover - 05-01-2017, 09:52 AM - Forum: Conventions - No Replies

Here is where we will publish notices of future convention-level events where GAPFS will have a presence. We will have information about major events like DragonCon, MomoCon, and Not-A-Con. We will also have notices about smaller conventions that we will support. We welcome all of you in the GAPFS community to visit here!


Will Dover
Venture Lieutenant - Atlanta

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  HobbyTown USA June 24, 2017 - Start of Adventure!
Posted by: Will Dover - 05-01-2017, 09:48 AM - Forum: HobbyTown USA - Replies (30)

At HobbyTown USA, we host tables of Pathfinder Society on the last Saturday of the month. Here is the line-up for June 24, 2017 (NOTE: This will be a Regional Support event as well as a Free RPG Day event):

All Day Slot - 11:00 AM - 8:30 PM

Scenario: Crypt of the Everflame (1-2)

Table One:
GM: Will
  1. Katherine - ? ?
  2. Savannah - Ranger 1
  3. Curtis - Rogue 2
  4. Daniel - ? ?
  5. Josh W. - Bard 1
  6. ? - ? ?

Table Two:
GM: Seth
  1. Edward - Lunar Oracle 2
  2. Kerney - Hunter 2
  3. Drew - ? 1
  4. Del - Rogue 1
  5. ? - ? ?
  6. ? - ? ?

Wait List:

Please Note:
If you would like to reserve a slot for one of these scenarios, please respond below saying which scenario you want to play, your name, your character class, and your level. You don't need to reserve a slot, but it will guarantee you a spot to play. As our game days grow, it is becoming increasingly important to sign up ahead of time. With ample warning (such as signing up at least three days before the event), we may be able to increase the number of tables being run.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post below or send me a forum message!

HobbyTown USA
840 Ernest W Barrett Pkwy NW
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Event Code 42520

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gapfs HobbyTown USA May 27,2017 - NO GAME DAY
Posted by: Will Dover - 05-01-2017, 09:47 AM - Forum: HobbyTown USA - No Replies

Because of MomoCon, we will not have a game day at HobbyTown in May. See you in June!


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Question Commonly Misunderstood Rules
Posted by: Andrew Roberts - 05-01-2017, 09:41 AM - Forum: General Pathfinder 1.0 Discussion - Replies (4)

I've seen some things that...irk me...when playing PFS that linger around from 3.5 rules that I've seen enforced at tables.  The main one I see is the trapfinding issue, where in Pathfinder you can find magical traps without it but cannot disable it, but in 3.5 you could not spot nor disable it.  I've had an entire table rally against me with this rule before and just brush me off even when I showed evidence!

So anyway, I want to try to make a list of commonly encountered mis-rulings in PFS play in an effort to minimize these situations in GAPFS.  This list is meant to be with the help of others, so I'd love some more input on these matters and additional rulings, or if you think one of them is wrong.  This is meant as educational and I think we can all learn a thing or two from it.  If a rule is too controversial, it probably won't make it on the list.

The List

1. You do not need trapfinding in Pathfinder to locate a trap.  You only need it to disable a magical trap with disable device.  Anyone can make a perception check to find a trap, even a magical one. (Aside: Trapfinding does not automatically find you traps. You have to be actively searching unless you have the Trap Spotter talent.) (Exception: To use a perception check for "symbol" spells such as Symbol of Death, the PC needs trapfinding.)
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 417

2. Bardic performance is a free action to maintain and does not inhibit any other actions the character may wish to perform while doing so, which includes bardic performances like dancing or acting, except if the character wishes to start another bardic performance, in which case the previously maintained performance immediately ends.  Classes with inspire courage can also perform bardic performances even if they don't have ranks in the appropriate perform skill, but not necessarily other bardic performances.
Edit: It's also worth pointing out that, of the basic Bardic performance abilities, only Suggestion and Mass Suggestion are language dependent. That means that creatures that don't speak languages, like animal companions, can be affected by most bardic performances, including Inspire Courage.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 35-38

3. The following spells have 1 round cast time (note, NOT full round action): Enlarge PersonReduce PersonSleepInfernal HealingSilenceDeep SlumberSummon MonsterDominate.

4. You cannot "partial charge" in Pathfinder.  You can charge as a standard action ONLY if you are denied having a full round action for that turn, such as a surprise round or being staggered.  Doing so, you can only move up to your full speed instead of double full speed, and you cannot draw a weapon as a part of the standard action charge even with a +1 BAB or greater (Quick Draw can mitigate this). 
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 198

5. You can take 10 any time you are not in a time of distraction or stress (like combat) on any skill.  You may also take 20 on a skill (taking 20 times as long) to take a check if there is no penalty for failure.  If there is a penalty for failure, that occurs when you take 20, you cannot take 20's on skills with no retries. Note: An exception to this is the Use Magic Device skill.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 86

6. For ranged and reach attacks: To determine whether your target has cover from your ranged attack, choose a corner of your square. If any line from this corner to any corner of the target's square passes through a square or border that blocks line of effect or provides cover, or through a square occupied by a creature, the target has cover (+4 to AC).  As well, for a burst spell that requires a reflex save (such as burning hands), if a creature has cover vs. the spell, that creature gets +2 to their Reflex save vs. the spell.
For melee attacks adjacent to you: When making a melee attack against an adjacent target, your target has cover if any line from any corner of your square to the target's square goes through a wall (including a low wall). When making a melee attack against a target that isn't adjacent to you (such as with a reach weapon), use the rules for determining cover from ranged attacks.
Update: James Jacobs answered a question about having a reach attack and attacking around a corner when it's a large creature with reach (or an enlarged person for that matter) where they do not have cover when attacking around a cover in certain cases. Link.
Update 2: If a creature has cover and if more than half the creature is visible, it is partial cover, which is +2 AC instead of +4 AC. Whether this applies to soft cover or not is unclear, and I could see it being ruled either way.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 195-196

7. You cannot take ranks in the Fly skill without a natural means of flight or gliding. Creatures can also take ranks in Fly if they possess a reliable means of flying every day (either through a spell or other special ability).
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 96 (very last paragraph)

8. You can take swift actions during a surprise round or while staggered. You can take it in the surprise round because you can take free actions in the surprise round, and you can take swift actions whenever you can take a free action.
Sources: (Staggered: d20pfsrdPaizo PRDCore Rulebook pg. 568) (Surprise Round: d20pfsrdPaizo PrdCore Rulebook pg. 178) (Swift Actions: d20pfsrdPaizo PRDCore Rulebook pg. 188)

9. Most animal companions can only wear barding and neck slot items. The only exception to this would be an brownie, imp, lyrakien azata, or quasit familiar gained with the Improved Familiar feat. Wondrous Items work if it makes sense with anatomy. You can give them a magical ring if you purchase a Hand of Glory. Humanoid ACs, such as monkeys, apes, and imps, have all the slots a human would. Ioun stones do not work on companions that are the animal type.
Update: This still holds true in PFS despite the Animal Archive, however if you own the Animal Archive there is now a feat that can grant a companion/familiar an extra slot based on what its anatomy is.
Sources: (Animal Companions: Organized Play FAQ) (Ioun Stones: d20pfsrd, under the "Facts About Ioun Stones" heading.)

10. Wands do not reduce the casting time of spells that have a casting time greater than a standard action.  Wands DO increase the casting time of any spell less than a standard action (I.E. move action, swift action, immediate action, free action) to a standard action. This rule also applies to scrolls.
Sources: (Wands: d20pfsrdPaizo PRDCore Rulebook pg. 496) (Scrolls: d20pfsrdPaizo PRDCore Rulebook pg. 490 (second to last paragraph))

11. The knowledge check to identify a monster using the appropriate knowledge skill is:
Common: 5 + CR
Uncommon: 10 + CR
Rare: 15 + CR
Making the check lets you know a "useful bit" about the monster. Each 5 by which the check is exceeded gives another bit of information. The chart shown for knowledge checks is misleading in this regard, as it is described in the text how knowledge checks truly work. (It should be noted that this is slightly up to GM discretion, however the vast majority of knowledge checks should fall in the "Uncommon" region. The book sites goblins as common and the tarrasque as rare, which are two extreme cases.)
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD Core Rulebook pg. 100

12. Sneak attack, criticals, and flanking.
You can't sneak attack, critical, or flank:
Creatures with Ooze Traits
Creatures with Elemental Subtype
Creatures with Swarm Subtype
Incorporeal creatures without a ghost touch weapon
Creatures with the Amorphous special quality
Special cases:
Aeon subtype makes the creature immune to critical hits only.
Protean subtype gives the creature a 50% chance to ignore sneak attack or critical hits.
Unless specifically called otherwise, all other creatures, such as Undead, Animated Objects, Constructs, and Plants can be sneak attacked and affected by critical hits.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Bestiary pg. 306-313

13. When you have a 10 ft. reach, you do not threaten the square that is 2 diagonally from you because technically it is 15 ft. reach. However, if someone passes from the 15 ft. away square to the 5 ft. away square and would normally threaten for passing through a threatened area, they do (or vice versa moving the other way). If you do a combat maneuver that stops movement such as trip and succeed, they remain in the square they were previously.
Update: This has been overruled! You now threaten out 2 diagonals if you have reach!
Source: FAQ Ruling.

14. When using Use Magic Device to activate something, you do not automatically fail on a natural 1 (just like any other skill). If you do fail the check and roll a natural 1, then you cannot activate the item using Use Magic Device for 24 hours.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 109

15. You can voluntary fail a saving throw, but only versus a spell.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 217

16. You can make sunder attacks as part of a full-round attack action. (Note: as well as Disarm and Trip)
Sources: Pathfinder Core RPG FAQ

17. Soft cover is not an exception to the rule of providing cover for attacks of opportunity with reach attacks. In other words, if there's soft cover involved when determining attacks of opportunity, it acts the same as normal hard cover and does not allow an attack of opportunity.
Sources: (Reach attacks are ranged attacks and not making AoO's through cover: d20pfsrdPaizo PRDCore Rulebook pg. 195)

18. If you are prone, you can 5 foot crawl as a move action (not full-round action). This provokes attacks of opportunity.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 186

19. You cannot take 10 on spellcraft checks to identify magic items when using detect magic. Concentrating on a spell counts as strenuous activity.
Source: Link.

20. Spell trigger items, like wands, can be used by characters who have the spell in question on their spell list but cannot yet cast spells, for example rangers and paladins that are below level 4.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 458

21. If you cast a spell while grappled, you must make a concentration check (DC 10 + the grappler's CMB + the level of the spell you're casting) or lose the spell.
Update: This is different from before! The spell you cast can now contain somatic components.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 206

22. A creature that successfully saves against a spell that has no obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack. Likewise, if a creature's saving throw succeeds against a targeted spell, you sense that the spell has failed. You do not sense when creatures succeed on saves against effect and area spells
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 216

23. You can pull out two light or one-handed weapons in the time it takes to pull out one if you have the two-weapon fighting feat. If you have +1 BAB and the two-weapon fighting feat, you can pull out two such weapons as part of one move action.
Sources: d20pfsrd Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 187

24. Mindless creatures can be affected by certain illusion magic such as shadow spells (like shadow conjuration), figments (like silent image and mirror image), and glamers (like blur), but not patterns (like color spray) and phantasms (like phantasmal killer).
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 210

25. To mechanically benefit from a deity in PFS, you must be within one step of its alignment
Source: Organized Play Guide.

26. Slotting a wayfinder with an ioun stone takes away the ability to for the wayfinder to function as normal (i.e. it can't use light anymore). The ioun stone still grants its normal benefit. Cracked/flawed ioun stones can't be slotted for an additional benefit; only normal ones.
Sources: d20pfsrd-ioun stones. d20pfsrd-wayfinders.

27. An ability penalty (such as from exhaustion or touch of idiocy) can not reduce an ability score below 1. Please note this is ability penalty. Ability damage and ability drain can still reduce an ability score to 0.
Sources: d20pfsrd. Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 555

28. Ranger animal companions get the favored enemy and favored terrain bonuses of the ranger.
Sources: d20pfsrd.Paizo PRD. Core Rulebook pg. 66

29. Creatures with hardness? Exact quote from Paizo Blog: "When a creature with hardness sustains damage, subtract its hardness from the damage dealt. The rules for halving damage, doubling damage, dealing damage with ineffective tools, immunities, and the like only apply to damaging inanimate objects." So, if it has hardness but is not inanimate, you subtract hardness but the damage is not halved.
Source: Paizo Blog.

Additional resources for further clarifications:
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion Guide


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Posted by: Andrew Roberts - 05-01-2017, 09:40 AM - Forum: General Pathfinder 1.0 Discussion - No Replies

by Andrew Roberts, VL

Last update: December 4, 2018

What is PFS?

Pathfinder Society (PFS) is an organized play campaign, where a bunch of people that don't know each other play together with their characters. All characters start at level 1 and advance based on how many scenarios and modules they have played (a scenario is a half day affair, granting 1 xp, and a module is a full day affair, granting 3 xp. It always takes 3 xp to gain each level). At the end of each adventure you will get a chronicle sheet that details what your character earned during that adventure. You do not keep any items gained through the adventure, although the gold earned at the end of the scenario reflects the amount of treasure you accumulated during that scenario as if you had sold everything off. You can take your characters to any venue, state, or convention in the world where Pathfinder Society is being played.

The organized play follows completely strict rules of Pathfinder, and only allows Pathfinder rules (No 3rd party publisher content allowed). They do this because when you have multiple GMs, one GM may allow something while another may not. Having it completely strict as to what you can do makes it uniform and doesn't screw people over with their characters when playing with different GMs. Having said that, I was rather surprised by the amount of rules we got wrong or we missed in our home games, so be warned about that.

I'm interested! How to sign up for a game?

The best way to search for games is to look at our calendar. There, you can see all of our upcoming scheduled games. To sign up, click on the gameday you want to go to and reply to the thread telling them what scenario you want to play and your name, as well as character level and class if you know what you are going to play. That will reserve you a spot for that gameday. If there aren't empty slots on the game, then you will be put on a wait list. We strongly prefer you sign up ahead of time so that we can know who is coming. This helps us set up GMs and games so that everyone has the best experience. You can sign up friends too, but after the first couple times we prefer that they sign up individually (families and couples are an exception to this).

Our calendar for gamedays is located at the top of any forum page, or you can click the calendar link below:

Now I know how to sign up! Do I need to make a character?

For your first couple of games, it's up to you. You can either make your own character or play a pregenerated character. If you are playing at a higher level game, you will need to play a pregenerated character as all PFS character start at level 1. If you want to make your own, the links and tips below will help you out! There is also almost certainly someone at the gameday who can help you out as well if you are having trouble.

Useful Links:

If you would like to join, they have a guide to making your character here (Or you can look at the quick guide below):

If you have a question about what's allowed from outside the core rulebook, consult this page:

This website is great because it tells you what is allowed or not allowed specifically in Pathfinder Society by putting a little symbol beside the feat/class/skill/archetype/whatever to show you it's allowed (technically if it's not the core rulebook you have to own the book for it to be allowed). I highly recommend it as the go-to site for rules:

And most of the stuff here is allowed, but you will have to double check some of it (especially since some campaign setting-specific names have been altered):

Quick guide to making a level 1 character in PFS:

  • All characters start at level 1 with 0 XP. If there's a higher level adventure you wish to play, pregenerated characters of higher levels are availableHere is some more information of how pregen credit works.

  • 20 point buy (calculator here: http://tools.digitalightbulb.com/pbcalc.html)

  • 150 starting gold, and you start with basic clothes as well (your basic clothes and gold do not contribute to your encumbrance, but everything else does). Certain classes also start with other free items (like Spellbook for Wizards).

  • All mundane items always available for purchase except poisons, although characters with the "poison use" ability can purchase certain poisons (which are rare and illegal in the campaign world's major cities)

  • All level 1 potions and scrolls are available for purchase from the start.

  • All +1 weapons and armor are always available for purchase (not that you can yet anyway)

  • You get two traits (found on the Archive of Nethys or PFSRD site). You cannot have two traits of the "same type," as in you can't have 2 religion traits or 2 combat traits (see here for most common traits: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advan...tml#Traits )

  • You can only be the core races (Human, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Gnome) and Tengu, Wayang, Nagaji, Kitsune, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, and Undine.

  • Almost all base classes and archetypes are allowed. The summoner from the Advanced Player's Guide is no longer legal. If you make a summoner, it must be the version from Pathfinder Unchained.

  • Evil characters are not allowed.

  • There are definitely situations where role-playing is encouraged in the scenarios, but keep in a mind a lot of them are combat-focused, and ALL will have some sort of combat.

  • Crafting of items is generally not allowed. Magic item crafting is never allowed. You can still have ranks in the Craft skill, however.

  • Some classes have specific changes: Wizards get Spell Focus instead of Scribe Scroll at first level, Alchemists get Extra Bombs instead of Brew Potion at first level, and Skalds get Extra Performance instead of Scribe Scroll at first level.

  • If you end up not liking your character, you can always change anything about him/her until you play your character in a game at level 2.

  • You can have as many PFS characters as you want! Each will have a different character number.

  • You must choose a PFS faction for every character.
PFS quick faction guide:

- Concordance of Elements: An ancient and diverse organization whose membership spans multiple planes, with a particular focus on the elemental planes. Its members take great interest in the interplay among the primal forces of air, earth, fire, and water. They believe that the stability of the multiverse ultimately depends upon these forces—and many others—remaining in balance. Synopsis: Care about the balance of the planes and elements.
Dark Archives: Maintain order in the Vaults beneath the Grand Lodge of Absalom. Seek out other dangerous relics, and retrieve them for proper storage and research in the Dark Archive. Study and understand hazardous phenomena, and harness these occurrences’ power for the faction’s benefit. Build alliances with like-minded organizations. Synopsis: Collect any dangerous artifacts and store them, even if it means risking your life at times.
The Exchange: Although it is small compared to many other trade outfits in the Inner Sea region, the faction aims to build an extensive trade network that allow it to deliver nearly any good to any location—for a price. Undermine or acquire rival monopolies while allying with powerful producers, merchants, and contacts to further grow the business. Synopsis: Do anything you can to increase trade and make profit.
Grand Lodge: Members of this faction are the most dedicated members of the Pathfinder Society, embodying the key tenets of the organization above all else. Focused on exploring ruins as well as securing artifacts from those who don’t appreciate them, these  Pathfinders have an insatiable sense of curiosity. Grand Lodge Pathfinders make excellent teammates for larger expeditions, and have filled the tomes of the Pathfinder Chronicles since the earliest volumes. They often take inspiration from the exploits of the early Pathfinder Durvin Gest, aspiring to become as famous as that legendary adventurer. Synopsis: Being a Pathfinder member is all you need. You don't need other allegiances to get the job done.
Liberty's Edge: Liberty’s Edge faction members seek to spark revolution in decadent old empires and to civilize and educate the ignorant peoples of lost and unknown lands. They press for the abolition of slavery and the punishment of those who perpetrate it. They bring the torch of freedom to the world’s darkest places and banish mysticism, diabolism, and fear. A member of this faction often performs acts of sabotage and diplomacy while carrying out her duties and should be willing to bend the rules of tyrannical law in order to plant the seed of liberty, even when doing so requires employing questionable techniques. Synopsis: Slavery is extremely wrong and democracy is the future.
Silver Crusade: Led by the retired Pathfinder Ollysta Zadrian, paladin of Sarenrae, this faction seeks to be more than just adventurers doing the bidding of the Decemvirate and the venture-captains. While other factions, such as The Exchange, may use the Society for personal gain, the Silver Crusade attempts to transform the Society into an organization that aids the weak, destroys evil, and makes the world a better place. Synopsis: The goody-two-shoes faction. Tries to make the Pathfinder Society the best it can be and try to make the world a better place.
Sovereign Court: Unite the nobility of the Inner Sea to serve as the powers behind their respective thrones and direct the nations toward prosperity, peace, and perhaps the creation of a new empire spanning Avistan and beyond. Avoid advertising the existence of the faction except to likely recruits, for many nations would see this organization as a threat. Synopsis: Pull together political power and convince leaders and nobility to band together to create a new empire.


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  Giga-Bites May 6th, 2017 Gameday
Posted by: Andrew Roberts - 05-01-2017, 09:30 AM - Forum: Giga-Bites Cafe - Replies (20)

Here at Giga-Bites cafe, we host tables of Pathfinder Society every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Here is the line-up for May 6th, 2017 at Giga-Bites.

Slot 1 - 11:00 AM

Scenario: #8-18—Champion's Chalice, Part 1: Blazing Dangerous Trails (Levels 1-5)
GM: Liam, Andrew
  1. Edward - Oracle 1 or Slayer 5
  2. Caleb
  3. Kerney
  4. Carloc C.
  5. Tarrintino
  6. Chris W.
  7. Jordan
  8. Curtis - Rogue 2
  9. Dennis
  10. Robert
  11. Bart

Slot 2 - 4:30 PM

Scenario: #8-19: Treacherous Waves (Levels 3-7)
GM: Kerney, Andrew
Two Tables!

  1. Edward - Monk 5
  2. Caleb
  3. Carloc C.
  4. Tarrintino
  5. Chris W.
  6. Jordan
  7. Liam - Monk/Sorcerer
  8. Curtis - Oracle 6
  9. Dennis
  10. Robert
  11. Bart

Please Note:
If you would like to reserve a slot for one of these scenarios, please respond below saying which scenario you want to play, your name, your character class, and your level. You don't need to reserve a slot, but it will guarantee you a spot to play. As our game days grow, it is becoming increasingly important to sign up ahead of time. With ample warning (such as signing up at least three days before the event), we may be able to increase the number of tables being run.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post below or send me a forum message!

Giga-Bites Cafe
1803 Roswell Rd, STE 1851
Marietta, GA, 30062

Event Code 15822


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ninja Athens After Dark May 9, 2017 (6:30pm-11:30pm)
Posted by: Tiffany H. - 04-29-2017, 07:48 AM - Forum: Athens After Dark at Little Kings' - Replies (10)

Athens After Dark continues to rule the night at Little Kings, a great downtown venue.
We intend to run one session (possibly with multiple tables) - usually on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at Little King's Shuffle Club from 6:30pm-11:30pm.  Little Kings has been a very gracious host, so please show them your patronage.
Little King's Shuffle Club
223 W Hancock Ave
Athens, GA ‎30603
Buy drinks, responsibly, from the bar or display your genuine Paizo/Pathfinder swag and get a re-roll.
For May 9, 2017 we offer a brand new Season 8 scenario for levels 1-5:
#8-18—Champion's Chalice, Part 1: Blazing Dangerous Trails (1st-5th)  GM: Jim H.  
1. Douglas - Swashbuckler 1
2. Kristi - Rogue 1
3. Noah - ? ?  
4. Tiff H. - Phytokineticist 1/2
5. DaveB - ? ? 
6. Eric P. - ? ? 

Those new to the Pathfinder Society are free to bring a character made under the PFS rules or to simply come and play one of the pre-generated characters that we will have at the event.  
If you would like to participate, please reply to this post with: your name, the scenario you would like to play, your character class, and your level (color commentary is also encouraged).  Walk-ins are welcome and we will always do our best to accommodate, but if you reserve a slot you will be guaranteed a spot to play.
If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

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