Starfinder Society @manuiels April 17!
Food! Fun! Aliens! Magic Booze! Please join us for Starfinder Society at Manuels Tavern.
For April we are offering Solar Sortie by request and the new Half Alive streets. I can jump in to GM the other table but leaving it open for now in case someone else is interested.

1-7 Solar Sortie GM Dbrain
for 1st to 4th level characters.
1.  Bart
2.  Lisa
3. Travis 
4. Josh
5. Winn

Go ahead and sign me up for 1-07, but I am happy to switch to 1-10. I am bringing a Mystic 3, so if one of the tables looks like it will be high tier, I'd prefer to switch to that one
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I think I can play either table.
I can run either table, as needed.
Dot and I would like to play. I think either game works. We are level 3
I collapsed the tables in to 1 with Dave as the Gm. Feel free to sign up for the waitlist or volunteer to Gm another table. I want to play with Solar Sortie with Lisa an since we are like 5 days out im going to.
Just to let everyone know, I will probably be a little late - I've got something that ends at Georgia Tech at 6PM, so I'll then need to get my car from the parking garage and fight midtown traffic. Feel free to start without me, and I'll jump in and get caught up wherever.
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile

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