Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide
So far I haven't purchased Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide.  I am on the fence about this book, and would like some fellow GA PFS'ers opinion - as well as a discussion about what changes this book actually documents.

I own and have read pretty extensively the 1st ed ISWG (which is roughly twice the size).  I am vaguely familiar with some of the world changes that have occurred in Golarion in the 8 1/2 years since that book came out.  As a result, I'm not sure I actually need this book.


What are the biggest world impacts to PFS in your mind, and does this book really do a good job covering them?
There's obviously the big news about the return of the Whispering Tyrant, the destruction of Lastwall, and the rise of the Gravelands.
There's the new hobgoblin kingdom and the new Runelord kingdom mentioned in the CRB.  I'm pretty sure that I could just scour the internet and find out most of what I need to know about both of those, if a PFS scenario needs me to.  Does this book really provide enough insight into these new locations and the events that transpired to bring them forward?

Also, does anyone have an opinion on the quality of the "poster size map of Golarion"?  It's the only reason I would buy this book in a physical form instead of PDF.

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