Athens After Dark PFS - August 28, 2018 (6:30-11:30pm)
I can gm a table.
Second table added!
List of Pathfinder Society played and GMed:
My son Conor and I would love a seat at the second table. TY!
Found out I'm going to be Athens all day tomorrow!!! Would love to join this Goblin Party if there is still room, looks like we have a lot of people already.

(Warren, Druid, Lvl 3, any) [Just kidding, feel like I always put this so I needed to again]
Unfortunately I can't make it tonight because of work.
Though I'm pained to do so, I have to withdraw my RSVP.
Running late but I'm coming...
Explore - check.
Cooperate - check.
Report - check.

Athens After Dark for August 28, 2018 has been reported.

Thanks to everyone who came down to play at Little Kings' - and thanks to GM Eric for teaching Goblin School!

Please send me a PM if you have questions or concerns.
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