My Parents' Basement - April 11
My Parents' Basement is a combination restaurant, bar and comic book store. Games, food, beer and comics - what more could you need? By the way, they have a lot of beers on tap. The Pathfinder Society meets at My Parents' Basement on the second Wednesday of every month.

Wednesday, April 11, 6:30-11:00

CANCELLED: Table 1: 3-16 Midnight Mauler (3-7)
The Decemvirate sends members of the Pathfinder Society to the former crown jewel of Ustalav's royal courts, the decaying city of Ardis. Tasked by the Society to look into the fate of Absalom's former Master of Blades, Vonran Vilk, what they find will lead to exploration, diplomacy, murder, haunted pasts, and tragic love. Can the PCs stop the rampage of the Midnight Mauler before he kills again? "The Midnight Mauler" was originally an exclusive adventure, run only by 4-star Pathfinder Society GMs, Venture-Captain and Venture-Lieutenant campaign volunteers, and Paizo staff for its first year, but has been revised and updated for public release
GM: Jack
1. Henry - Monkbuckler 4 or 5
2. Chuck

Table 2: Eyes Tune-up Game - 7-11 Scenario 2-08 Sarkorian Prophecy
GM: Dan
1. Abraham - Magus 11
2. Travis - Warpriest 11
3. Josh - Gunslinger 11
4. Andrew - Oracle 11 or Wizard 11

If you've already played this scenario, or if this table fills up, post to let me know of your interest and I'll try to get a second table of something scheduled.

Please sign up by replying to this thread. You can also reply with requests for this night's scenario or something you'd like to play in the future. I try to choose scenarios based on what our players have played and/or need to play so keeping your signatures updated is a good way to let me know what you want to play. Even better, if you use to track what you've played, please tell me your username there so I can easily filter to find which scenarios are unplayed by the largest group of our players.

Abraham Z (that's me) is your store liaison. If you have questions, concerns or comments, please feel free to contact me in person, by private message or in this forum thread.

My Parents' Basement is at 22 N Avondale Rd, Avondale Estates, GA 30002.

GMs: event code is #152629
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
Go ahead and sign me up to play. I am also happy to GM a second table if it looks like we'll need it
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile
Add me to the table.
Ok, little change of plans. Dan is going to run a tune-up game for our Eyes of the Ten group, so Abraham, Josh, and Travis (and some other poor soul hopefully) will be playing at table 2. Scenario TBD once we see who the 4th player is and what they can play.

At table 1, we can still have Call of the Copper Gate, or maybe something else, depending on who we get to GM and what they want to run. So for now I'll call this a TBD too.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
Jack has agreed to GM the first table. Last time there was a request for some higher level material so he's going to run a 3-7, 3-16 Midnight Mauler. Please let me know - either here or by PM - about what level scenarios you would like to see run here at MPB. It would also be helpful if the regulars can update me about what level PCs you currently have. I'll be happy to schedule upper-tier games going forward, but I want to make sure that everyone who wants to come out and play has an option to do so.

On another note, at Table 2 we still need one "volunteer" who wants to join 3/4 of our Eyes group as Dan attempts to show us how far we are from being Seeker material. We'll be playing a 7-11, high tier, so ideally we'll be joined by another PC who is level 10-11 ish.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
Alright, this time hopefully I won't get sick! We aren't super busy at work right now so it's a great time for me to come out.

Sign me up for the 7-11, as there is a rumor that something is going to be run that I missed (#2-08: The Sarkorian Prophecy). From the looks of the party, there's a little bit of a lack of full casting, so I should probably bring either an Oracle 11 or Wizard 11. (Thinking my Oracle 11 because he can also be a diplomat and deal with traps as well as a rogue)

Neither of those characters is a damage dealer, which seems like it's no problem in this party.
If it matters, our 4th player for Eyes is a Sorcerer, so playing your wizard might be helpful for us to get a better feel for what areas/talents we are lacking
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile
Darn looks like the 7-11 filled up - Heh I woulda brought my level 10 Paladin (if an opening happens put me on the list)
(04-03-2018, 02:44 PM)Henry Walsh Wrote: Darn looks like the 7-11 filled up - Heh I woulda brought my level 10 Paladin (if an opening happens put me on the list)

Do you want to play at the 3-7 table? I'll be happy to schedule a 7-11 scenario for the following month if there's enough demand.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
I would certainly play a 7-11 scenario next month
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile

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