Starfinder Society Scenario 2-18 Forbidden Tides - April 18
Originally scheduled at Giga-Bites for March 21.
Game date April 18
Game time 12 pm - 5 pm

A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 7-10 (subtiers 7-8 & 9-10).
After the Starfinder Society made first contact with the morlamaws of Arniselle, the walrus-like people of that world have worked alongside several Pact Worlds organizations to explore their homeworld and other planets beyond. Recently, a group of radical morlamaws was discovered to have been working with an individual opposed to the Society's interests. The PCs travel to Arniselle to follow-up on this group's activities and link it back to the mysterious ysoki known as Datch. The truth behind these morlamaws is beyond comprehension, and threatens all life on Arniselle and beyond!
Written by: Kate Baker
Scenario tags: Faction (Exo-Guardians)

The sign up sheet can be found here

In the event the sign up sheet does not work for you, or does not save your information, the following is what I will need:
  • Player name
  • Player email address (to email the .pdf of the chronicle sheet)
  • Organized Play Number
  • Character Number
  • Character Name
  • Character Class
  • Character Level
  • Character Faction
  • Version of Fantasy Grounds you are using (Classic or Unity)
Hey Joel

Would you mind putting the server up again on Friday so those of us who want to can load character data in?


Dave B.
(04-15-2020, 10:06 PM)dbrain Wrote: Hey Joel

Would you mind putting the server up again on Friday so those of us who want to can load character data in?


Dave B.

Will do
The server is up
Discord server invitations have also been sent
Reporting is done. Chronicle sheets have been sent to everyone but my friends in DE (doing their next, as they'll need an explanation around the sheets). On all but Caleb's, I did not think to use the "x" for a check box in Adobe to cross out the high tier item access, so you'll have do that part yourselves.
Thanks again, Joel!
Thanks Joel. For both the game and help with the character sheet.
(04-19-2020, 01:14 AM)Edward McGee Wrote: Thanks Joel. For both the game and help with the character sheet.

Any time.  Always happy to help when I can.

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