My Parents' Basement - September 11
If you'd like to play it would be helpful if you can let me know what level character(s) you have so I can schedule something suitable for everyone. I thought about offering something from Pathfinder 2, but on reflection I think I'd rather wait until I have time to finish reading the rulebook! If there's interest in PF2 let me know and I'll try to schedule something for the future, but this gameday will be PF1 as usual.

New folks - perhaps people who played at DragonCon and would like to keep going - post here or send me a PM if you've got any questions or if anything's unclear.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198

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RE: My Parents' Basement - September 11 - by Abraham Z - 09-04-2019, 12:36 AM

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