Giga-Bites September 21st Game Day (SFS) - Updated to add a table of PFS 1 and 2
Meghan and Brie for the morning slot! We've got level 1s and level 4s, so we can play whatever fits at the table.
My PFS Tracker
PFS: Elizabeth (Fighter 9/Rogue 3), Samantha (Unchained Summoner 8), Vigdís (Skald 8), Zahir (Paladin 1), Varrash (Magus 1)
SFS: Frzska (Technomancer 7), Shady Sadie (Operative 4), Vasha (Solarian 1)

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RE: Giga-Bites September 21st Game Day (SFS) - by aenaithia - 08-26-2019, 07:58 AM

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