Not-A-Con 2019 Registration Now Open on Warhorn
Hey, just wanted to give all y'all SEEKERS out there a heads up - if we can find a few brave victims, I'll be GM-ing 10-09 The Rasping Rebirth (12-15) during the morning session of Notacon. It's just been added to the schedule so feel free to head over to warhorn and sign up to offer one of your beloved pathfinders to certain doom!

Also, I'll note that it will help my prep if I have an idea if we are going high or low so please post here to let everyone know what you might be bringing. And I strongly advise trying to coordinate buffs and spell choices and the like beforehand so we can dive right in. I played this last week and it's great but we'll want the full time slot to actually play.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198

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RE: Not-A-Con 2019 Registration Now Open on Warhorn - by Abraham Z - 03-23-2019, 04:30 PM

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