HobbyTown USA June 30, 2018 - Starfinder Redux and the Higher Levels
Still working on my character... but I noticed that the second session runs until 8:30 PM. And that raises the question of food.

Can I eat at the game table? Is there anything I should keep in mind involving food and drink? Please let me know.

(Oh... and if anyone's bringing food...I'm sorry, but, well, I have celiac disease. Which means that I can't have anything with Gluten in it. So...long story short, I'd rather plan to have to get delivery or run out real fast instead of risking not being able to eat whatever's brought.)

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RE: HobbyTown USA June 30, 2018 - Starfinder Redux and the Higher Levels - by KettouRyuujin - 06-28-2018, 08:14 PM

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