Starfinder Society Scenarios 1-02, 2-17, and 2-18
1-02 did not occur today (no sign ups).  2-17 appears to be good to go for next week, and 2-18 for the following.

If you see names you don't recognize from the local group, those are people I know from Delaware who I'd invited to play via PbP before I got Fantasy Grounds and who were part of my core group when I lived up north.  In part, I invited them so they could see how OP works, and also to make sure we have enough to make tables (and I did commit to running more than once if I had enough players wanting to play).  All are new to Society play, but are not new to playing Pathfinder or Starfinder.  For games where they're involved, rather than invite them to the GA PFS Discord channel (since they're not GA PFS members), I created my own Discord channel with voice chat enabled that we'll use instead, if there are no objections.

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RE: Starfinder Society Scenarios 1-02, 2-17, and 2-18 - by LokiTheWanderer - 04-04-2020, 05:41 PM

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