GAPFS Holiday Party - 12/28/19 Fort Yargo
Hello @everyone! The GA PFS Holiday Party is coming up on December 28th... that is just 2 weeks away!
We need some GMs... we currently have 3 tables per slot, and almost none of them have GMs... The Pf1 GM boon is ||Ghoran/Kobold/Rogaru/Samsaran|| and the SFS boon is ||Formian/Ghoran/Pahtra||
We also need Players! More fun to be had with more players!
Signups at:

Does anyone have any requests for scenarios? I am about to clean up the unwanted scenarios and put new ones.

We also have the Potluck... We need more people to bring food
See my gaming stuff at

Messages In This Thread
Andrew Roberts - by Andrew Roberts - 11-18-2019, 11:28 AM
RE: GAPFS Holiday Party - 12/28/19 Fort Yargo - by TheMaskedFerret - 12-11-2019, 05:08 PM

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