Giga-Bites July 6th, 2019 Gameday
Please add me to both games.  My PC will be determined by what is needed at the table.  Thanks!
Sign up Kaiser and Emily for both tables please
Seeing how things are going here, I went ahead and pulled my name from the player lists and put it on the GMing list.

Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
Change of plans, Emily now has work that day so please take her off the list. If you need another GM i can do it if i can get the scenarios to prep.
I will be there. I have several to choose from and will decide at the table. High is preferred.
I can make it with another friend as well..... will post characters later..... prefer high
I have 3 characters all level 5/6, so looking for a low table. If needed my Telekenitcist go go high.
I will GM the first slot. If there is a low table I prefer to do that one.
FYI, Giga has informed me they have a Magic event this weekend. There should be space for us, but it will be tight and we may have to adapt where we normally set up.
"Ready Action:  Shoot Giant Weasel!"

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I have double checked and I have 3 characters all in the low range. Not high, so possibly we will have a low table and a high one

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