GAPFS Holiday Party 2018
Anyone have a copy of 4-16 I can borrow? I have looked for it on line and there is no PDF to purchase on Paizo site.
I'm not going to be able to make it sadly.

Happy Holidays Everyone!
PFS ID: 230620 
PFS Tracker
Characters 6/4/17: Hoptrollop Gnome Sorcerer - Level 6 and Twoey Dyad Half-Elf Ranger (Tracker, Melee) - Level 3

Schedule is pruned, and mostly set.  If you have a request and you can muster players for something else, let me know.

NOTE TO ALL - some tables with GMs and no players were KOed.  some tables without a quorum of players were KOed.  the tables without a quorum of players that are still left need your love, players.  tables with players and no GMs need your love, GMs.
Wasteland Gaming Liaison

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

When is the final pruning taking place, or will that be the date of each game?  There are a few tables I'm signed up for that are in jeopardy of not making, or being 3 players and a pregen.
Probably date of the event at this point unless people yell loudly.
Wasteland Gaming Liaison

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

So - last minute table wrangling requests for anyone who can help before 'day of':

6-21 : this either needs another GM, or shed a few players to the premiere PFS that *no one* can possibly have played, or Skittershot - the fun skittermander quasi-special from Free RPG day.
Skittershot : this needs another player for viability; help prove that skittermanders are 100% less sociopathic than goblins and/or gnomes.

7-23 : this is a solid table and needs one GM. I'd do it, but I'm tied up with the SFS module. Out of the pool available, does anyone want to horse trade the SFS AP before I print maps?

8-04 : this scenario needs about two more players to become viable and has a GM already
Wasteland Gaming Liaison

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

Does anyone have the pregens for Skitter Shot already printed from running during its premier? If so, would one of those kind souls mind bringing them to the Holiday Party for me?


Dave B.
(11-28-2018, 11:14 AM)dbrain Wrote: Does anyone have the pregens for Skitter Shot already printed from running during its premier? If so, would one of those kind souls mind bringing them to the Holiday Party for me?


Dave B.

added to my bag - no chronicles, though. I could print those, if you want.
Wasteland Gaming Liaison

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

I would greatly appreciate chronicles, sir.


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