Wasteland Gaming November 10, 2018 Game Day
Please put me down for the Wait List for "Oath of the Overwatch". Don't know what I'll play now, and would only know once I knew the makeup of the characters playing it with me. I might be running a few minutes behind as I'll be coming from an appointment that morning, but I will be there if there's a spot for me at the table.

I've already played "The Bloodcove Blockade". However, if there isn't an objection to swapping this scenario out for one I haven't played, I would be very interested in playing in the evening slot, as well.

Registered on PFS Tracker
Pathfinder Society #9409
Sorry I cannot help with GMing this one. Have a Good Mews event that Katherine and I are working that day.

Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
I do indeed need to drop from the gameday. Will for sure be in Virginia at the time.
Go ahead and sign me up to GM the afternoon slot
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile
(10-31-2018, 10:31 AM)Travis_Meyer Wrote: Go ahead and sign me up to GM the afternoon slot

Sorry Perry - if you can put me down to GM Bloodcove Blockage rather than Oath of the Overwatch, that works better for me.
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile
Please put me in for the Morning session with a Fighter 6 or swashbuckler 8. Please put me in for the evening session with a Sleuth 3 or Fighter 6. Thank you
Please add me to the Bloodcove Blockade session (9-15).

Curtis - Druid 6
NOT Played:
s1-42,44            s4-06,17                s7-01-05,10-13
s2-16,20            s5-13,20                s8-03,10,14,15,24
s3-04,14,15,24   s6-07,08,11,16,19  s9-04,07,08,12,14,16,17,19-25

Pull me from the afternoon session. I will still be there in the evening.
(11-07-2018, 08:49 PM)Kerney Wrote: Pull me from the afternoon session. I will still be there in the evening.

I have been pulled from the evening session also. I assume since there is no #5 this is a typo.
For those playing 9-15 in the evening, that are a couple of previous scenarios that can give you benefits if you've completed them with your PC. These scenarios are

6-09: By Way of Bloodcove
6-16: Scion's of the Sky Key, Part 3: The Golden Guardian
7-10: The Consortium Compact
9-10: Signs in Senghor

I would recommend checking to see if any of the PCs you are planning on bringing have played any of these scenarios - as long as one PC has participated, the entire party gets the benefits for this scenario.
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile

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