Dragoncon 2018
I believe they were posted on August 5th. (That’s the first day I found them.) I am obviously not organizing Dragon Con but from past experiences, the PFS/SFS organizers don’t get any more heads-up on signups going live than the general public.

While the big gaming conventions (GenCon, etc.) have a set time for signups to begin publicized well in advance, smaller conventions - or conventions where gaming is a relatively small part of the whole - often just “flip the switch” on signups with no prior warning whenever they get done inputting data.
Kevin is pretty spot on in his assessment. We had a smaller space this year and had essentially a third system to support with the Pathfinder Playtest. We also did not have some tables make last year. As for when gaming.dragoncon.org went live, we have no control over that. We produced a schedule a month before the site went live and had no idea when it went online until it did.

Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
(08-20-2018, 10:30 AM)Will Dover Wrote: We had a smaller space this year and had essentially a third system to support with the Pathfinder Playtest.
As a side note, this has been a headache for almost every convention organizer. If you want to support SFS you have to drop some PFS tables. If you want to add PF Playtest, that’s more that you have to carve out. By dropping some PFS tables you're probably losing some attendees who only want to play PFS, but hopefully gaining some who want to participate in the other systems. This is one of the reasons you see almost no support for Core or ACG at conventions.

This year is particularly bad because we’re balancing the needs of longtime PFS players who want to enjoy the last year of the campaign vs. recruiting new players who know there is a very short shelf life on the current rules system.
Is it still located in that big room from last year? Wasn't the scenarios up earlier than August last year?
I'll be running a couple of games on Saturday, and wanted to see if anyone would be able to lend me a couple of maps for the scenarios if they have them - my artistic skills are quite lacking, and it would be great to not take time in-game to have to draw the maps. 

Bones of the Biting Ants (Saturday AM slot)
Flip-Mat: Cavernous Lair
Flip-Mat: Hill Country
Map-Pack: Campsites

Death on the Ice (Saturday PM Slot)
Flip-Mat: Winter Forest
Map-Pack: Frozen Sites

Thanks in advance!
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile
I can throw Winter Forest into my pack. I don't have the others.
Does anyone have tech dungeon by chance?
Did anyone happen to find a copy of the Hamlet dungeon, which somehow escaped my bag?
Attention -

Reporting for DCon 2018 is 99.9% complete.  Check your records, file your complaints, but otherwise call this one another one for the books.
Wasteland Gaming Liaison

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at: https://www.pfstracker.net/#/players/1964/report


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