Giga-Bites August 18th, 2018 Gameday
I just played 1-18 The Blackmoon Survey, and would be happy to switch over to running it so Daniel or Bart have a chance to play. In any case, please remove me as a player.


Dave B.
Please remove me as a player from 1-18. I played it at Gen Con. (I too wouldn't mind taking the GM slot for it)

I am considering running a card game scenario from the new Season 5 after the 1-18 slot (Tier 1... there isn't any other tier for Season 5 yet... thinking of doing the very first scenario since I'm likely the only one who has played it). Anyone else interested?
I am interested in the card game. Also if dbrain is still interested i would give him my GM slot and move in to a player slot for 1-18.
I'm interested in the card game. Also I'll be playing a pregen for slot 2.
You got it, Bart.

(08-09-2018, 08:50 PM)Bartgroks Wrote: I am interested in the card game. Also if dbrain is still interested i would give him my GM slot and move in to a player slot for 1-18.
I'd like to sign up for Slot 1.  My name is Sean and this will be my first time joining you all for a game.  I have yet to try Starfinder, so if anyone wants to suggest a class for me to play to round out the group I am willing to play anything.  I'm an experienced Pathfinder GM but only among my group of friends.  Looking forward to branching out and joining the Society!
(08-10-2018, 08:44 AM)DarthGore Wrote: I'd like to sign up for Slot 1.  My name is Sean and this will be my first time joining you all for a game.  I have yet to try Starfinder, so if anyone wants to suggest a class for me to play to round out the group I am willing to play anything.  I'm an experienced Pathfinder GM but only among my group of friends.  Looking forward to branching out and joining the Society!

Looking forward to meeting you and playing with you Sean!
(08-10-2018, 08:44 AM)DarthGore Wrote: I'd like to sign up for Slot 1.  My name is Sean and this will be my first time joining you all for a game.  I have yet to try Starfinder, so if anyone wants to suggest a class for me to play to round out the group I am willing to play anything.  I'm an experienced Pathfinder GM but only among my group of friends.  Looking forward to branching out and joining the Society!


I suggest play what you want to play for your new character. The nature of Organized Play how it is, sometimes we don't end up with the ideal party since people get mixed together all the time. So, just play what you think you'd like!

However, if you just want to play a pregenerated character, that's great too! Either works perfectly fine. Here is a link to the pregens.
Thanks a lot guys! Go ahead and sign me up to play a Technomancer. A cursory glance and the class looks like wizard, so I will probably take some damage spells at level 1 then spec towards CC as we progress.
"I am the Shield Anvil, and I am not yet done."
Making a small sign-up for the Card Game inbetween slots:

Scenario(s): Tapestry's Toil: 5-1A: Tide of Bones
Boxrunner: Andrew
  1.  Andrew - Jirelle (Swashbuckler) 1
  2.  Bart - Olenjack (Rogue) 1?
  3.  Edward - (Oracle?) 1
  4.  Dave


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