How can I prevent my animal companion from grabbing?
I have a Hunter built around attacks of opportunity and he just hit 7th level. I really want to take a Tyrannosaurus but it has Grab and that would prevent it from taking aoos.

How can I prevent it from grabbing when it bites? The least controversial option I can think of is to use a move action to push it to let the target go. But that is poor action economy.
There is no trick for it but I would be fine spending one of it's trick slots on it if there was.
the spell 'companion mind link's can make it a swift action
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3rd level spell that lasts for minutes. That works but I don't want to spend my first round of combat casting it. I think I'll just have to go with the rhino.
Mittens. I would suggest mittens.
Yeah, yeah, here's my list:
Cork stoppers on it's teeth? Freedom of movement on the enemy? Liberating command? Grease?
From Grab:

"The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself."

It would reasonable to assume you've trained this behavior into the Attack trick if you so desired.
That is a good idea. I could have it be the default option and the GM could decide what would be required if I want it to grab without the -20.

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