Question on names
So, I played a character in 2009 and 2011. It sat on a shelf until I found him in a recent move.

So, in 2009, before the Syrian civil war, I had named my Qadiran character Assad. Obviously today that has slightly different connotations. I assume I couldn’t name my character Hitler or anything similarly offensive, and I could see folks being upset at that.

So, do I need to rename my character? Is that going to screw up recording somehow? Is there a process?
Just log into the Paizo site and change it if you wish. You don't have to, if you don't want to. If you feel it needs to be changed, do it.
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To my understanding, the only thing that really matters for recording purposes is your PFS number. You could change your PCs name every scenario if you wanted, and it wouldn't change anything on the back end
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile

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