My Parents' Basement - March 14
Hi all,

We never got a GM for a second table and in any case, due to family obligations it's doubtful that I'll actually be able to make it tomorrow and Travis has indicated several times that he's ok with giving his spot to someone else. So I've gone ahead and given my seat to Kerney and left Travis on the waitlist. So we have a single table, with Perry as GM, and 6 players signed up and Travis as a potential 7th. Hope that works for everyone and I look forward to seeing y'all at the April 11th game night!

best, Abraham
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
Whoops, Andrew and I posted at the same time. Ok, so with this further update we now have a 6 player table, including Travis and Kerney (who technically had signed up for table 2 - I hope you can play at table 1?).
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
Monkbuckler it is then!
Since it looks like I won't be needed to help make the table, I am going to drop as well. My schedule should lighten up considerably after this month, so I'm looking forward to playing with everyone in April!
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile
I may be there just to observe tonight myself, I'm not really interested in playing more low level play. I'm *really* burned out on 1-5 content as it is and this is skewing low tier meaning I can't even play my 1-5 (the Monkbuckler) because the table is skewed low-tier.
I'm caught in some traffic. Should be there in 15.

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