Barbecue Planning - Xmas In July
Based on last year's success and in spite of the Icepocalypse of 2016, the GAPFS Holiday After-Party (Christmas in July) returns to Group Shelter B at the Fort Yargo State Park in Winder, GA on Saturday, July 1, 2017.

If you're interested in registering for the event, check out:

Link to Warhorn -

As we learned last year, the shelter includes a full kitchen with sink, stove, microwave, and refrigerator.  There will be a reduced emphasis on small electrics this year, and the VOs are homing in on the highly tactical supply and entree choices below.  For those interested in serving ALL THE GAMERS, we are anticipating an attendance of approximately 70 or so.

UPDATE - 6/29/17
Current registered attendance is clocking in at approximately 35, so adjust serving plans accordingly.

So, without further ado, please indicate what you want to bring by name, and hopefully we'll get a viable organic distribution of offerings, or at the very least, inform the community of what gaps remain to be filled.  Some specifically requested items are highlighted in blue, and generally suggested items are in black.

Small Electrics

4-cup Percolator and Grinder - Perry
Delicious Power Strips - Curtis

Non-Food Tools & Supplies

Dishwashing Soap, Copper Scrubs, Scrub Sponges - Perry
~300 Napkins - Perry
~60 6" Paper Snack Plates - Perry
Charcoal (for grilling) - David ???  (Are we still planning on firing up a grill - entrees seem pre-cooked).

~100 9" Dinner Plates - Kevin W (some)
~100 6" Snack Plates - Kevin W (some)
Three Rolls, Paper Towels - Curtis, Perry - One Roll
~100 Bowls - Kevin W (some)
Plastic Cups - Soprovo (some)
~75 Plastic Forks, Knives - Perry
Serving Utensils - Perry

Beverages (incl. Alcohol)

(Some) Regular, Whole Bean Coffee - Perry
Ice - ???
Soft Drinks - Jack D (some)
Hard Liquor - Spencer (some) - 'late shift'
Water - Daniel
Beer (That Must Be Drunk) - Daniel
Tea of Various Sorts, Some of Which MUST BE DRUNK - Andrew


Cheese Biscuits (many) - Katie - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Cheesy Bread - Travis
Ham & Cheese Platter - Andrew


Rotisserie Chickens, Six (6), rendered into bite-sized bits (for approximately 20) - Perry & Will
Pulled Pork (for 70? revise to 35?) - Tiff & Jim

Side Dishes

Assortment of Barbecue Sauces - Robert
Chips and Dips - Robert
Salty Snacks - Curtis
Matthew H - Chips
Veggie Tray - Daniel
Bacon Mac N Cheese - Dave B
Macaroni Salad - Matthew H
Baked Beans - Steve P


Cookies - Jack D (some)
Some Kind of Dessert - Michelle & Matt
Pumpkin Cookies - Steve P
Wasteland Gaming Liaison

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

How incredibly convenient!

Ill be back in Atlanta to visit family (in-laws) over the Fourth and I've been looking for a reason to be elsewhere part of the time.  Since I'll be coming in late Friday I won't have time to deal with food, so I'll pick up the disposables.

Put me down for 9" plates, 6" plates, and bowls.  If there are any other such items required (knifes, forks, spoons?) let me know since I suspect a Costco stop is in line either way.

What time will the event start?
Please count Jim and I in with enough pulled pork to serve everybody, a couple of times over...
List of Pathfinder Society played and GMed:
Sadly, we'll be out of town that weekend.
PFS ID# 62037
Mostly-correct PFS Tracker info here.

I shall bring infamous cheese biscuit appetizers for many.
I still have the 100 plastic cups (18oz) that I was going to bring last time. I'll probably bring some 2 liters, as well.
Thanks for the organizing, Perry! You probably want to get an entry on the calendar here as well.

Put me down for sodas and cookies.
I'll be out of town. :/
Yeah, yeah, here's my list:
I'm in and would be willing to drive any members (up to 3) who could not normally make it.
I'll bring some of the hard stuff after work, but it'll be around 715 or 730 before I can get there.

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