August 2025 Game Day - SFS
Game Date — August 23, 2025

At HobbyTown USA, we host tables of Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society on the fourth Saturday of the month. Here is the line-up for August 23, 2025:

Game Time — 11:00 am - - 4:00 pm
Game location — HobbyTown USA
Sign-ups are on Warhorn here and RPGChronicles here.
Event code is 2715454
This event is eligible for bonus Achievement Points through the Regional Support Program.


Starfinder Society Scenario #7-09: Clutches of the Vault Lord

A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 9th- through 12th-level characters.
Ever since the Starfinder Society first established a presence on the false moon of Salvation’s End, its agents have continued to slowly but surely uncover new information about the megacomplex’s internal machinations and the dangerous Guiding Intelligence seemingly at its head. But they’re not the only ones interested in Salvation’s End…

Deep within the false moon, the tyrannical Vault Lord conquers vault after vault, spreading their influence and subjugating the residents of every vault in their path. Now, the free residents of Salvation’s End have come to two conclusions: the Vault Lord must be stopped, and they’ll need to work together to defeat them.

Join the Starfinder Society, the free citizens of Salvation’s End, and the mysterious Guiding Intelligence in a joint attack against the Vault Lord within the very heart of their realm: the vault of Xin-Tsalash!

Written by: Matt Duval
Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)

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