Starfinder Society Scenarios 1-02, 2-17, and 2-18

I have the above scenarios prepped to run in Fantasy Grounds.  My plan is to run a game each Saturday from 12 pm - 5 pm (ish), which will also allow me time to prep more scenarios during the week.

My initial thoughts on a schedule are as follows:
1-02: Fugitive on the Red Planet- April 4
2-17: Cost of Living - April 11
2-18: Forbidden Tides - April 18

As I prepare more scenarios, both for SFS and PFS 2E, I will add them to the schedule (between being under shelter in place until at lease April 15, and having had to put in an ADA request with Medical at work to extend my remote work indefinitely - until the CDC changes it’s guidance - due to my blood pressure putting me in a high risk group, I am home bound for the foreseeable future.

Fantasy Grounds is available for Windows, iOS, Linux, and on Steam.  
It is a downloadable program with two versions (Classic and Unity).
Players are not required to purchase a license or a ruleset (but it will then mean character creation and other things will be 100% manual).
GMs will need to purchase a license or subscription and any rulesets or add-one they wish to use (or manually input, as is the case with most of the scenarios), and can share their rulebooks with a limited number of players.
Classic and Unity are not compatible with each other from a connectivity perspective.  Players using Classic can’t connect to a game hosted in Unity and vice versa).
Players will need to input their characters in their local copy of the application and then export it to be shared with the GM to add to the party sheet.

I will be posting sign-ups shortly.  Each sign up sheet will be a modified version of the official sheet, including the question of which version of Fantasy Grounds the player has (I have both versions, and will run on whatever the majority has, and will run more than once, if need be, to cover users of each version and any additional players above standard legal table size).

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or are interested in playing, feel free to send me a message.

Oh...  And per Tonya’s guidance in the VO Discord channel, I will be using the same established event codes already set for Giga-Bites and Titan, which makes any games run eligible for the Regional Support Program, just as if we were running in-person games.
Neat, thanks for putting in the effort! I'm definitely interested in playing 2-17 and 2-18.

Dave B.
In the event the sign up sheet does not work for you, or does not save your information, the following is what I will need:
Player name
Player email address (to email the .pdf of the chronicle sheet)
Organized Play Number
Character Number
Character Name
Character Class
Character Level
Character Faction
Version of Fantasy Grounds you are using (Classic or Unity)
1-02 did not occur today (no sign ups).  2-17 appears to be good to go for next week, and 2-18 for the following.

If you see names you don't recognize from the local group, those are people I know from Delaware who I'd invited to play via PbP before I got Fantasy Grounds and who were part of my core group when I lived up north.  In part, I invited them so they could see how OP works, and also to make sure we have enough to make tables (and I did commit to running more than once if I had enough players wanting to play).  All are new to Society play, but are not new to playing Pathfinder or Starfinder.  For games where they're involved, rather than invite them to the GA PFS Discord channel (since they're not GA PFS members), I created my own Discord channel with voice chat enabled that we'll use instead, if there are no objections.
No objections here. Always fun to play with new folks. Thanks again, Joel!
Any time! I just hope they behave themselves

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