Giga-Bites March 7th, 2020 Gameday - Levels 1-4!
Hero Point opportunity:
Can anyone bring a copy of "Flip-Mat Classics: Deep Forest" for me to use?
Update - I will no longer be able to make the 1st game, but I will still be there for the second came and my daughter, Patricia, will be able to join us.  Please change my PC from a 3rd level rogue to a 3rd level bard and she will be playing a 3rd level wizard.  Thanks and sorry for the confusion.
Go ahead and drop me from the gameday.
Add me for slot 2 with a Bard 2.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
I will be dropping out of both sessions.
My daughter's busy calendar has cleared up for Saturday morning, so if there is room, please add us both to the 11:00 slot. Patricia (Wizard 3), Lee3 (Bard 3). Thanks!
Looks like I can make it for the morning slot as well, if there's still room. However, if that throws things out of whack no worries and I'll just come for the later slot. Just let me know.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
Please add Todd MacKall rogue 3 and myself Sorcerer 3, to both slots.
kaiser- Monk 3 both please
Upon checking Todd and I are both level 2 not 3.

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