Hobby Town USA--February 22, High tier fun 2
Josh emailed me two weeks ago to ask me if I was. I emailed him back saying yes as I needed to make my commitment for the month. Looks like that got ignored.
Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
If you were what? If you had already committed to GM 8-25 Unleashing the Untouchable feel free to take it. I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes. I just need to know so I don't haul all the way out there for nothing (actually, I guess if you want to GM it I could use a replay to play it again). Just let me know. My only PC that I could play would be a Magus 15.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at: https://www.pfstracker.net/#/players/100198/report

PFS ID: 100198
My apologies if I dropped a ball somewhere, but I never got a response from you Will, even after sending 2 more emails the week, one Monday, and one Wednesday.

So, since we are all in agreement, I will move our first slot game to another weekend.

Let's plan to gather at HT at about 2:15 to secure the room/Table and get character intros started. That will give Abraham a few minites to set up after he arrives arpund 2:30
Could you add Will and I to the first one. I will bring a dragon disciple 14 and Will will bring an alchemist 14.
Kathrine I am a little confused. We are not playing the first game and the second game already has 6 players. If we could find another judge on short notice, we could have two tables. How can we work this out?
You're right, Lee. Last night I only looked the games posted at the top of the first page. I didn't read the whole thread. Luckily, Josh called and we were able to make other plans for today. Ya'll have a good game!
2:45 eta
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at: https://www.pfstracker.net/#/players/100198/report

PFS ID: 100198
Regarding our discussion yesterday, I have two 11.0 characters.  They both just leveled up, so I'd need 3 xp to get up to 12th for Eyes of the Ten.
My PFS Scenariotracker data  

PFS # 235309
Same boat - I've got a Paladin/Cavalier who is at 11.0. As mentioned, it would be replay for me, so I don't mind if it doesn't work out to include me.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at: https://www.pfstracker.net/#/players/100198/report

PFS ID: 100198
I am happy to run / play 7-11 scenarios to get folks where they need to be to play, but I would suggest that we have at least 5 good solid players if we want to undertake this.

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