Giga-Bites March 7th, 2020 Gameday - Levels 1-4!
Here at Giga-Bites cafe, we host tables of Pathfinder/Starfinder Society every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Here is the line-up for March 7th, 2020 at Giga-Bites.

More games for PFS at Giga!  Come on down and get out of the cold.  If you want a specific older (PFS 1 scenario) run then let me know and we can see if there's any other interest for it.

Don't be afraid to sign up if a table if full. Oftentimes, if we have about 3 days before an event we can get another table going.

(Note on factions: You do not have to have a character of the appropriate faction to play the scenario.  Some may not even have boons related to the faction, but it is possible that they may.)

Slot 1 - 11:00 AM

Scenario: #1-14: Lions of Katapesh (Levels 1-4)
Tags: Repeatable
GM: Daniel H, Liam
  1. Chris W - Bard 2
  2. Edward - Level 1
  3. Dave B
  4. Caleb - Monk 2
  5. Patricia - Wizard 3
  6. Lee - Bard 3
  7. Abraham - Bard 2
  8. Steve - Sorc 2
  9. Todd - Rogue 2
  10. Kaiser - Monk 3
Wait List:

Slot 2 - 4:30 PM

Scenario: #1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe (Levels 1-4)
Tags: Faction (Verdant Wheel)
GM: Dave B, Chris W
  1. Edward - Level 1
  2. Lee - Bard 3
  3. Daniel H - Cleric 2/3
  4. Caleb - Monk 2
  5. Liam - Paladin 3 or Something 2
  6. Patricia - Wizard 3
  7. Abraham - Bard 2
  8. Steve - Sorc 2
  9. Todd - Rogue 2
  10. Kaiser - Monk 3
Wait List:

Event Code: 83054

"Ready Action:  Shoot Giant Weasel!"

Games Played:
PFS Tracker of Games Played
I'll play both slots with a level 1 TBD.
Please add me to both slots, playing a rouge 2 in the first slot and a rouge 3 in the second slot. Thanks!
Both slots with new lvl 1 melee type
I'll GM the first slot and play the second.
Put me down to play a slot with my monk 2 and gm the other.

Edit: Well this is awkward, the GM slots are somehow already full. Daniel, are you sure you want to GM twice?
I can GM one or the other slot so Daniel can play. Please add me to play the other.

Dave B.
Gave Dave B the GM slot and updated sign-ups!

Thank you for all the volunteering!
"Ready Action:  Shoot Giant Weasel!"

Games Played:
PFS Tracker of Games Played
Gotta prove to myself how good or more likely bad animal companions are so I'll be playing a druid.
Sign me up for both, level 3 Paladin or Level 2 something or other.
Yeah, yeah, here's my list:

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