Autust 17, 2019 - Starfinder Slot Zero
Sorry for the late notice of this change. This is a makeup session to cover the SFS Special slot zero for DragonCon.

Slot 1 - 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Table 1

Scenario: SFS#2-00 Fate of the Scoured God (1-12). DragonGMs and Staff Only. Please register PC in advance so that we can determine APL.
GM: Will
  1. Steve P - Something 5
  2. Todd - Operative 5
  3. Austin - Envoy 5
  4. ? - ??
  5. ? - ??
  6. ? - ??
  7. ? - ??

Wait List:
Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
My Operative is only 5 in case it mattersSmile

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