Giga-Bites July 6th, 2019 Gameday
A discussion came up yesterday about a nerf to animal companions. It was in fact just a misunderstanding.

From the Campaign Clarification document for Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Hunter's Handbook

Quote:Page 26—An animal can learn to attack a single creature type that it would not normally attack from a monster dummy, such as undead. Teaching an animal to attack more than one creature type requires expending an additional trick to improve the attack trick (see the Handle Animal skill on page 97 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook), and cannot be done by purchasing several monster dummies.

Monster Dummy
This is a straw-stuffed wire frame of a monstrous creature, wrapped in burlap and coated in the musk of that particular creature. When using the Handle Animal skill to teach the attack trick, having a monster dummy present allows the trainer to add whatever creature type the dummy represents to the list of creatures the animal will attack. The dummy also provides a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks to teach animals to attack all kinds of creatures.

Getting Attack a second time will cover you for all enemies unless that enemy has some ability preventing it such as Unnatural Aura.
Yep. Very glad to see that this is nothing like the nerf that was being discussed, which would have basically wrecked Animal Companions.

As an aside, I'm very curious to see how subsystems like Companions, Mounted Combat, etc. have changed in PF2.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

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