Georgia Pathfinder Society
My Parents' Basement - July 11 - Printable Version

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My Parents' Basement - July 11 - Abraham Z - 06-15-2018

My Parents' Basement is a combination restaurant, bar and comic book store. Games, food, beer and comics - what more could you need? By the way, they have a lot of beers on tap. The Pathfinder Society meets at My Parents' Basement on the second Wednesday of every month.

Wednesday, July 11, 6:30-11:00

Table 1: 9-19 Clash in Kaimuko Wood (5-9)
On a recent foray into Kwanlai, the Pathfinder Society learned that a conniving being from the Abyss has been targeting righteous communities on the border between the tengu nation and Tianjing to the south. In light of these discoveries, Venture–Captain Amara Li has asked the PCs to lead a company of tengu soldiers to a fort near the northern border of Tianjing to lend aid and provide information. When the PCs arrive at the fort, it quickly becomes apparent that all is not well. As blight and corruption creep out from Kaimuko Wood toward the fort, it falls to the PCs to rally their allies and lead the charge. Contents in Clash in Kaimuko Wood also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Silver Crusade faction.
GM: Abraham
1. Travis - Alchemist 8 or 9
2. Kerney
3. Josh - Medium 6 OR Arcanist 9
4. Jenn - Sorcerer 8 or Ranger 7
5. Haller - Lotus Geisha 9

Table 2 7-22 Bid For Alabastrine (1-5)
Decades ago, the merchant nation of Druma anticipated a wave of migrants and built the city Alabastrine to accommodate them. The mass migration never happened. Always seeking a return on investment, Druma recently began auctioning off control of the city to the highest bidders and wealthiest entrepreneurs for five years at a time. The next auction begins soon, and the powerful Aspis Consortium gold agent Myrosype—an enemy of the Society responsible for countless Pathfinders’ deaths—is poised to take control of the whole city for her own nefarious ends. The Society has secured a few invitations for the PCs to attend the auction. Can they disrupt the event’s delicate politics in order to stop their rival, or will the Aspis Consortium gain an unassailable stronghold? Content in “Bid for Alabastrine” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Exchange Faction. Content in this scenario also ties into a special metaplot element from Pathfinder Society Special #6–98: "Serpents Rise". Players who have completed that special event are encouraged to bring its Chronicle sheet when playing this adventure. Written by Thurston Hillman.
GM: Perry
2. Winn - level 3?
3. Dot - level 2?
4. Dan -
5. Carter
6. Henry -

Please sign up by replying to this thread. You can also reply with requests for this night's scenario or something you'd like to play in the future. I try to choose scenarios based on what our players have played and/or need to play so keeping your signatures updated is a good way to let me know what you want to play. Even better, if you use to track what you've played, please tell me your username there so I can easily filter to find which scenarios are unplayed by the largest group of our players.

Abraham Z (that's me) is your store liaison. If you have questions, concerns or comments, please feel free to contact me in person, by private message or in this forum thread.

My Parents' Basement is at 22 N Avondale Rd, Avondale Estates, GA 30002.

GMs: event code is #152629

RE: My Parents' Basement - July 11 - Henry Walsh - 06-15-2018

I'm in Meili level 5 Monk/Swashbuckler

RE: My Parents' Basement - July 11 - Kerney - 06-15-2018

Will be there.

RE: My Parents' Basement - July 11 - Josh S. - 06-15-2018

I'll join with a (by this point, probably) level 6 medium or a level 9 arcanist, depending on the composition of our table.

RE: My Parents' Basement - July 11 - jennoconn - 06-19-2018

Sign me up please -  Sorcerer 8 or Ranger 7

RE: My Parents' Basement - July 11 - Travis_Meyer - 06-19-2018

I'd be down, but unfortunately I only have a level 8 (or 9) alchemist in range, which might not mesh with everyone else's low tier characters

RE: My Parents' Basement - July 11 - Abraham Z - 06-19-2018

(06-19-2018, 11:19 AM)Travis_Meyer Wrote: I'd be down, but unfortunately I only have a level 8 (or 9) alchemist in range, which might not mesh with everyone else's low tier characters

Actually, looks to me like we are trending high. But either way, we've always got level 7 pregens that people can play. And I don't think it will be such a disaster if there's a mix of party ranges either - it's not as destabilizing as, say, a level 5 playing a bunch of level 1s.

RE: My Parents' Basement - July 11 - Bartgroks - 06-25-2018

i will come out. lots of stuff in tier

RE: My Parents' Basement - July 11 - teflonite - 07-01-2018

I have a lower tier character (lvl 3) if any interest in a second table picks up.

RE: My Parents' Basement - July 11 - Abraham Z - 07-01-2018

(07-01-2018, 08:58 PM)teflonite Wrote: I have a lower tier character (lvl 3) if any interest in a second table picks up.

Ok, I've added a second TBD table and will see what I can do. One way or another we'll do our best to make sure you get to play.