Georgia Pathfinder Society
PFS2 Game Day at Titan - Printable Version

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PFS2 Game Day at Titan - LokiTheWanderer - 07-01-2024

Game Date: 8/18/2024

Game Time: 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Venue or VTT: Titan Games & Comics

Organized Play Game System: PFS2
Scenario Number/Name: 6-01: Intro: Year of Immortal Influence
Level Range: 1-4
Iconic Pregen Availability? Yes/No
Scenario Tags: Metaplot, Repeatable

Event Code: 2715401
Regional Support Program Eligible? Yes/No
Retail Incentive Program Eligible? Yes/No

Player Signups: Warhorn
for Chronicle Sheets: RPGChronicles (coming soon)

Adventure Summary:

A new year comes for the Pathfinder Society, and what better way to start it off than by attending a fancy event? The Pathfinders find themselves invited to a charity dinner to benefit the Knights of Lastwall fighting in far-off lands against the lich king, Tar-Baphon. They're not the only important Absalom-based faction there however, as the event is filled with lords and ladies and socialites of all kinds, including the Peacebuilders, a group dedicated to ensuring the Pathfinder Society pays for any of its mistakes. In the middle of dinner, evidence of a strange ritual is found and the Pathfinders must investigate before dinner becomes a murder mystery!