Georgia Pathfinder Society
DragonCon 2021 Update - Printable Version

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DragonCon 2021 Update - LokiTheWanderer - 08-03-2021


I advised DragonCon leadership this evening that GA PFS will not be offering any in-person sessions at this year's convention.  Based on the GM pool and the press conference the mayor held today indicating the City of Atlanta is close to rolling back to phase 2 of their reopening plan (which bans gatherings of more than 10 people), I did not feel we could offer the type of experience that would be beneficial to our player base or to DragonCon and keep us all safe.  I also found it to be very disconcerting to see their August 1 update and not see any mention of Campaign RPG's statements about only allowing fully vaccinated individuals to participate.  

I am working on the schedule of games to offer at DragonCon and will have it finalized within the next few days.  My hope is that there may be something on it to entice you to participate, though I also understand we're all a little burned out (to say the least) with online gaming.

RE: DragonCon 2021 Update - Abraham Z - 08-03-2021

Fwiw, I think you've 100% made the right call.

RE: DragonCon 2021 Update - LokiTheWanderer - 08-04-2021

Thank you, sir.

DragonCon leadership mentioned in one of the flurry of messages to the campaign gaming group that the physical con is in jeopardy of cancellation if the mayor rolls the reopening back to phase 2, but I was not willing to wait and needed to get them a schedule.

On the plus side, since going online and mentioning the change on the VO server, there’s one more GM signed up, and we may get at least one more out of it.