Georgia Pathfinder Society
Starfinder Society Scenario #3-20: Fleeting Truth: Everchanging Revelation - Printable Version

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Starfinder Society Scenario #3-20: Fleeting Truth: Everchanging Revelation - LokiTheWanderer - 02-03-2021

Game Date — May 22, 2021
Game Time — 12 pm — 5 pm
Game location — Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT
Sign-ups are on Warhorn
Event code is TBD
This event is eligible for boons through the Regional Support Program.

 Character levels 11-14

 Written by Cole Kronewitter

At last, the Starfinder Society nears its goal of recovering the final data fragment containing one of the organization’s greatest secrets. Guidance, the Society’s guiding intelligence, dispatches a group of veteran agents to the mysterious planet Aucturn at the edge of Pact Worlds space. The PCs must survive the eldritch denizens and hazards of the Citadel of the Black while racing against a group of Hellknights who also seek the fragment.

Released March 2021.

Scenario Tags: Nova