Georgia Pathfinder Society
AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - Printable Version

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AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - Tiffany H. - 01-11-2021

Athens After Noon is physical-distancing, social-closening on Sunday, January 24, 2021 at 1:00pm

We intend to run one PFS2 or SFS Scenario per session (possibly with multiple tables) - every other Sunday afternoon from 1:00 to 6:00pm.
For January 24, 2021, we offer a new scenario from the Starfinder Society, Third Season for levels 1-4 (subtiers 1-2 & 3-4). Pregenerated Characters will be available. 
Starfinder Society Scenario #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4)  GM: Tiffany H.
Scenario Tags: Starship

1. Dave B. - Biohacker 2 or Vanguard 4
2. Douglas - Envoy/Solarian 2
3. Bart -  Mystic 3
4. Jim - Witchwarper 2/3
5. Allen - ? ?
6. Eric - ? ?
7. Metal - Technomancer 1?

If you would like to participate, here's what you will need: 
     Roll20 user account for VTT 
     Discord user account for audio chat

How it’s going to work:
1.     Sign up by replying to the thread for the game you want to play - make sure your Starfinder Society character is built for Roll20 using the
      Starfinder (Simple) Sheet.
2.     You will get a PM/email the night before the game with a Roll20 Game Link and an Invitation link to the gapfs Discord channel.
3.    Be ready to meet up on the appointed Sunday at 1:00pm – for some fun!

Those new to the Starfinder Society are free to bring a character made using the SFS rules or to simply come and play one of the pre-generated characters that we will have at the event. 

If you have any questions, please post them here or send them to me (Tiffany H.) on the forum.

RE: AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - dbrain - 01-11-2021

I'd like to play this one, please. Either a Vanguard 4 or a Biohacker 2, as team unity requires.


Dave B.

RE: AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - dougl319 - 01-11-2021

Vrolo, Envoy/Solarian - 2

RE: AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - Bartgroks - 01-12-2021

Please reserve a seat for me. I will play Greydha Mystic 3.

RE: AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - jim h. - 01-14-2021

I'm in.  Witchwarper 2? 3?

RE: AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - AyJayATL - 01-17-2021

Allen = halfling druid 2

RE: AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - Tiffany H. - 01-18-2021

(01-17-2021, 11:29 PM)AyJayATL Wrote: Allen = halfling druid 2

Hi Allen! 

Glad to have you sign up! 

This Sunday, we're running a Starfinder Society scenario (the one between PF1 and PF2 - in space!). 

We totally have pregens if you want to come check it out.

p.s. I'll be scheduling the next PF2 scenario very soon - and we'd love to have your halfling druid...

RE: AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - Eric - 01-19-2021

Sign me up

RE: AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - IVIetal - 01-23-2021

is there still space to play in this online event? im still new to the society and itching to get in to a game Smile im interested in playing a level 1 Android Technomancer? (my first society character)

RE: AAN - January 24, 2021 (1:00-6:00pm) - SFS #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist (1-4) - Tiffany H. - 01-23-2021

(01-23-2021, 06:22 PM)IVIetal Wrote: is there still space to play in this online event? im still new to the society and itching to get in to a game Smile im interested in playing an Android Technomancer?

Hey Metal - you are absolutely welcome to join us tomorrow for some Starfinder. I will send an invitation to the VTT shortly (via PM) - and will be available before the game to answer any questions you might have. See you then!