Georgia Pathfinder Society
Manuel's June PFS Game Day(Wed, June 26th from 6:30pm-11pm) - Printable Version

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Manuel's June PFS Game Day(Wed, June 26th from 6:30pm-11pm) - Dan C. - 06-13-2019

Sorry for the late post...  well, later than I normally do.  I'm in the middle of having the fiancé back and, having to look for a new place to live.  With that being said, I offer you the following for this month:

#5-09  The Traitor's Lodge  (Tiers 3-7)  GM:  Dan
1.  Mike
2.  Haller
3.  Jenn
4.  Jen+1
5.  Winn
6.  Dot
7.  Josh
----------------wait list----------------------

We play in the Eagle's Nest, which is to the left of the front door, behind the theater curtain.  I hope to see you there!

RE: Manuel's June PFS Game Day(Wed, June 26th from 6:30pm-11pm) - Mike R - 06-13-2019

Please sign me up!

RE: Manuel's June PFS Game Day(Wed, June 26th from 6:30pm-11pm) - dhaller99 - 06-14-2019

I should be able to attend.

I'll find something level-appropriate, depending on how the table forms.

RE: Manuel's June PFS Game Day(Wed, June 26th from 6:30pm-11pm) - jennoconn - 06-16-2019

Count me in and possibly a +1

RE: Manuel's June PFS Game Day(Wed, June 26th from 6:30pm-11pm) - Dan C. - 06-16-2019

With a few potential new players, I'm going to hold the last three spots for my regulars until I get confirmation on whether they are playing this month or not...

RE: Manuel's June PFS Game Day(Wed, June 26th from 6:30pm-11pm) - Josh S. - 06-17-2019

Add me to the table.

RE: Manuel's June PFS Game Day(Wed, June 26th from 6:30pm-11pm) - Winn - 06-17-2019

Dot and I good

RE: Manuel's June PFS Game Day(Wed, June 26th from 6:30pm-11pm) - Josh S. - 06-25-2019

Something came up for tomorrow, so I’m going to have drop. I hope you all have fun; see you next time!