Georgia Pathfinder Society
Manuel's Emerald Spire Special: Level 2(The Cellars) Tuesday, February 19th - Printable Version

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Manuel's Emerald Spire Special: Level 2(The Cellars) Tuesday, February 19th - Dan C. - 01-23-2019

We dive deeper into the Spire!  Last session, we found our way in(while getting our butts handed to us).  This time, we go down into the cellars!

Emerald Spire Level 2:  The Cellars   (Tiers 1-3)  GM:  Travis
1.  Dan-Paladin 2
2.  Josh-Bard 2
3.  Aldon
4.  John
5.  Jakob

We play in the Eagle's Nest, which is to the left of the front door, in the back, behind the theater curtain.  I hope to see you there!

RE: Manuel's Emerald Spire Special: Level 2(The Cellars) Tuesday, February 19th - Josh S. - 01-24-2019

Add me to the table. Level 2 Bard (Probably)

RE: Manuel's Emerald Spire Special: Level 2(The Cellars) Tuesday, February 19th - Travis_Meyer - 01-25-2019

I'll GM

RE: Manuel's Emerald Spire Special: Level 2(The Cellars) Tuesday, February 19th - jennoconn - 02-06-2019

I’m going to miss this month because I have a late flight back to Atlanta

RE: Manuel's Emerald Spire Special: Level 2(The Cellars) Tuesday, February 19th - liamfisher - 02-11-2019

AS a heads up, I think my weekday gaming is about to come to an end for a while due to Mon - Wed
being my crunch days at work.

RE: Manuel's Emerald Spire Special: Level 2(The Cellars) Tuesday, February 19th - Hoppirate - 02-18-2019

Add John O. Vigilante and Jakob will be playing Jen's character Bunny.

RE: Manuel's Emerald Spire Special: Level 2(The Cellars) Tuesday, February 19th - trungz - 02-19-2019

Hey all! This is Robert, I played a lvl 1 Bloodrager at the Jan 23rd session where I met some of you. I'm going to be there tonight with my Bloodrager, is there a specific time it's starting?

RE: Manuel's Emerald Spire Special: Level 2(The Cellars) Tuesday, February 19th - Travis_Meyer - 02-19-2019

The plan is to start at 6:30, though we always end up actually starting around 6:45-7.