Starfinder Tuesdays @ Titan Duluth on Tuesday, September 25th, 2018 @ 7:00pm
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The Tuesday game at Titan Duluth! Advanced registration is appreciated and helps us to make sure we have enough GMs for everyone to play.

Date: Tuesday, September 25th, 2018
Time: 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Event Number: 155317
     Titan Games and Comics Duluth
     2131 Pleasant Hill Rd #129
      Duluth, GA 30096

Starfinder Adventure Path: The Reach of Empire (Against the Aeon Throne 1 of 3) Part 1, [Repeatable*, Campaign Mode**]
A Starfinder Adventure Path for characters levels 1 and 2

Guerrillas in the Mist

Hired to transport supplies to a fog-shrouded world in the Vast, the heroes discover that a small military force from the Azlanti Star Empire has invaded and occupied the Pact Worlds colony there. The heroes must liberate the settlement from its merciless oppressors, but when they do, they learn that the Azlanti have taken both an experimental starship drive discovered on the planet and one of the colonists—an old friend of the heroes—back to the Star Empire!

Scenario Tags: Repeatable*, Starship

* We have been told that all level 1-2 AP Volumes will be repeatable. However, chronicle sheets have not yet been released for this AP, so I am not 100% certain.
** Campaign mode - 2nd level characters, built according to Starfinder Society build rules. If you have boons assigned to the character you are applying credit to, they may apply to the character you are playing in campaign mode. 

You can make your own characters, or there should be pregens available for 1st level characters. Assuming that there are, I will provide copies.

Table 1
GM: Glen Parnell
Player 1: Wintersbane
Player 2: Manny
Player 3: Meghan- technomancer 2
Player 4: Brienne- mechanic 2
Player 5: 
Player 6: 
Player 7: 

This is cross-posted to the Titan Duluth Meetup
See my gaming stuff at
Meghan- technomancer 2
Brienne- mechanic 2
My PFS Tracker
PFS: Elizabeth (Fighter 9/Rogue 3), Samantha (Unchained Summoner 8), Vigdís (Skald 8), Zahir (Paladin 1), Varrash (Magus 1)
SFS: Frzska (Technomancer 7), Shady Sadie (Operative 4), Vasha (Solarian 1)
I will be there
Brienne and I are gonna be playing different characters. Our level 2s are now level 3s!

Meghan - Operative 2
Brienne - Envoy 2
My PFS Tracker
PFS: Elizabeth (Fighter 9/Rogue 3), Samantha (Unchained Summoner 8), Vigdís (Skald 8), Zahir (Paladin 1), Varrash (Magus 1)
SFS: Frzska (Technomancer 7), Shady Sadie (Operative 4), Vasha (Solarian 1)
I unfortunately have come down with a cold and won't be making it tonight.
We will miss you!
See my gaming stuff at

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