GM Needed Tonight 2018-01-02 at Titn Duluth
Due to the Holidays, signups for the Titan Duluth for Starfinder tonight were delayed. We now have the Glorious problem of 8 people signed up with only 1 GM. Perry could step up and GM, but he does not get much chance to play. I was wondering if someone else could come and run with me tonight. 

You don't have to run 01-07. Just about any other scenario would probably work, as we have new players and some that have only played the Quest series!

Sorry about the late notice!

See my gaming stuff at
And one has dropped and we are down to 7. I don't know how tonight will go.
See my gaming stuff at
Just because there's no drops, doesn't mean there won't be no shows. That said, Larry and I have discussed this scenario before - easiest solution is to lose one of us. We're prepared for that eventuality.
Wasteland Gaming Liaison

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:


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