Manuel's October PFS Game Day (Wednesday, Oct 25 from 6:30pm-11pm)
The end of the year is fast approaching!  It's great to see so many players coming out the Manuel's, both for PFS and Starfinder.  I'm still working out the kinks for scheduling but, we plan on having both a PFS and a Starfinder day each month! (November is actually booked up so, I can't get Starfinder it's own day; however, I'm going to let Bart use my Wednesday to host, to keep the momentum going!)

For October's PFS game day, we offer the following:

#5-17  Fate of the Fiend  Levels 7-11   GM:  Jim
1.  Dan-Warpriest
2.  Bart-Wizard 11
3.  Chris-Ranger 10
4.  Kerney-Summoner 11
5.  Josh-Musket Master 11
6.  Travis-Warpriest 10

Wild Card (preferably a 1-5 or 3-7)  GM:  Tiff
1.  Andrew
2.  Julian
3.  Lisa

We play in the Eagle's Nest, which is the area located to the left of the front door, in the back, behind the theater curtains.  I hope to see you all there!
Need To Play:
7-23, 7-24, 7-25, 7-26, 7-28, 7-29

Retired Venture Captain
Retired Venture Lieutenant
Manuel's Tavern Liaison

PFS #746

I will play Fate of the Fiend with an 11th level Wizard
Level 10 Ranger for Fate of the Fiend.
Summoner (old school) 11 for fate of the fiend.
I'm up for the Wild Card table. 

I have a level 7 character but I don't think I can keep up with 10s & 11s. Though I'm not afraid of being killed off either.
PFS ID: 230620 
PFS Tracker
Characters 6/4/17: Hoptrollop Gnome Sorcerer - Level 6 and Twoey Dyad Half-Elf Ranger (Tracker, Melee) - Level 3
Sign me up for Fate of the Fiend with a level 11 Musket Master.
Also, if there is enough demand, we can run two tables of Fate of the Fiend...
Need To Play:
7-23, 7-24, 7-25, 7-26, 7-28, 7-29

Retired Venture Captain
Retired Venture Lieutenant
Manuel's Tavern Liaison

PFS #746

Please sign up my friend Julian for the level 1-5 Wild Card.
Sadly, I'm out of town for this date. Guess I'll check back in in November December.

PFS ID# 62037
Mostly-correct PFS Tracker info here.

Since I don't have a GM for this session and, it's only a few days away, I'm going to have to resort to bribery. If anyone would like to GM Fate of the Fiend, I will let you choose from one of the Starfinder boons that I won at Gen Con this year. As far as I know, these are (probably) different than the ones given out at Dragon Con and since very few from Georgia went up to Indy, it'd instantly make you pretty cool. I can also give, if you'd rather have, one of the elemental race boons for PFS, your choice.

Normally, I wouldn't have a problem stepping away to run the table but, this is one of the last two scenarios I need to play to complete my Season 5 checklist. My only requirements are, your name needs to be on our GM star list and, you feel you can handle running a 7-11. Send me a private message if interested!
Need To Play:
7-23, 7-24, 7-25, 7-26, 7-28, 7-29

Retired Venture Captain
Retired Venture Lieutenant
Manuel's Tavern Liaison

PFS #746


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