Starfinder Midtown Atlanta 10/7 Adventure Path for Society Credit
For convenience, the campaign mode will borrow all Starfinder Society Organized Play rules with the following exceptions:

- Evil characters are allowed, but they may not directly or indirectly cause unjustifiable injury (physical or economic) to other party members or to the overall welfare of the party. Justification must be agreed by me.

- Likewise, intentional character-vs-character combat is allowed when justifiable for the overall welfare of the party (to stop such evil character from botching the mission, for instance). Justification must be agreed by me.

- Buying, selling and trading items amongst party members is permitted.

- Loot and experience will be allocated as described in the Core Rulebook rather than as per chronicle sheets.

- Available items and NPC spellcasting services are limited only by the settlement and not by the character level.

- All spells and items from the Core Rulebook and the Adventure Path are legal, including reincarnate and animate dead, the use of the Noqual special material and the artifact Ungarato, if discovered.

- Fame, Infamy, Reputation and Boon mechanics will not be used.

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RE: Starfinder Midtown Atlanta 10/7 Adventure Path for Society Credit - by popesean - 09-18-2017, 01:15 PM

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