Incident Reporting
In an effort to embrace the digital age and to both streamline and improve processes, the Organized Play Foundation (OPF), the organization responsible for Paizo Organized Play (OP), has multiple Venture-Officer (VO) task forces working on specific projects that impact the global campaign.

One of those task forces, the VO Handbook Task Force, has been working on putting together some guidance for all VOs on a number of topics. One of those topics is incident reporting. Any incidents that take place involving any member of the Atlanta Lodge need to be documented. This can be something as minor as an issue with language used during an OP event that’s handled at the table up to and including things that may involve law enforcement. Keeping records of these issues is going to be considered mandatory for every VO, especially to justify any actions taken if those actions are appealed.

To that end, after consulting with Doug Edwards, our Regional Venture-Coordinator (RVC), who expressed a desire to make the form open for everyone (Players, GMs, VOs, Paizo personnel, venue / event / convention staff) to use, I created an incident reporting form (located at that is tied to an Excel spreadsheet to serve as a reporting database. The submitted information is only viewable by Venture-Captains (Tiffany and I) and our RVC (Doug). Any additional information that needs to be included that isn’t able to be appended to the form, or incidents where you don’t feel comfortable filling out the form, should be sent to me via email. Urgent issues should include a phone call. My contact information is in my bio on this site.

As mentioned already, not every incident will require an investigation, as there will be issues addressed on the spot. Any incident submitted will be taken seriously and investigated (as needed) thoroughly and with as much discretion as possible.

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