Manuel's August Game Day (August 23rd from 6:30pm until...)
Con season is in full swing. This is one of your last chances to grab an XP before heading to Dragon Con!  For this month, helping out both my GM checklist as well as several players' Need To Play list, I offer the following:

#4-23  Rivalry's End  (Levels 3-7)  GM:  Dan
1.  Chris-Inquisitor 3
2.  Julian-Pre Gen 4
3.  Jenn
4.  Chas

For those of you that have played the above:

#8-04  Wardens of Sulfur Gulch  (Levels 7-11)  GM:  Liam
1.  Haller-Lotus Geisha 8
2.  Bart-Conjurer 11
3.  Travis
4.  Abraham
5.  Josh-Musketeer 10
6.  Nashoba-Gunslinger/Alchemist 10

Because a large amount of the regular players have not played Rivalry's End, we can run two tables if need be or, I'll chose a 1-5 if we have any new players. 

We play in the Eagle's Nest, which is to the left of the front door, back behind the curtain.  See you there!
Need To Play:
7-23, 7-24, 7-25, 7-26, 7-28, 7-29

Retired Venture Captain
Retired Venture Lieutenant
Manuel's Tavern Liaison

PFS #746

I'll throw in with the Wild Card.
Put me down for the wild card I am requesting a 7-11. #7–28: Ageless Ambitions or #8-20: Torrent's Last Will would work.
Sign me up for #4-23 Rivalry's End with my Inquisitor 3
Sign up my friend Julian for #4-23 Rivalry's End with a Pregen 4 (he only has a level 1 PC so far)
If the wild card will be 7-28 or another non-Torrent's Last Will 7-11, sign me up for that. Otherwise, put me down for 4-23
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile
(08-07-2017, 10:31 AM)Travis_Meyer Wrote: If the wild card will be 7-28 or another non-Torrent's Last Will 7-11, sign me up for that. Otherwise, put me down for 4-23

im cool with removing torrent's last well. I can do any 7-11 from the last 2 seasons other than #7–23: Abducted in Aether
I've played 7-28 (and would be happy to run it at MPB on another day if Liam doesn't end up running it for this gameday), but I'll play another 7-11 (from what Travis and Bart have said already, 8-04 Wardens of Sulfur Gulch or 8-13 What Sleeps in Stone would both work for me). Otherwise, I can also play 4-23 (and if y'all want to run with 7-28, I'm fine with playing 4-23).
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
Since the Wild Card is 7-11, I'll probably run my Bard (Lotus Geisha) 8.

(I do have a level 11 I haven't touched in more than three years - my Aldori Swordlord, Nadezhda - but I'd probably rebuild her. Is there a rule about rebuilding obsolete characters? Beyond the Ultimate Campaign rebuild rules?)
I've done what Sleeps in Stone, but Warden's of Sulfur Gulch would work
Scenario's Played: PFS Tracker Profile
I don't have any characters in the 3-7 range currently, so add me to the table running #8-04.

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