Giga-Bites September 7th, 2019 Gameday - Welcome to 2.0
Here at Giga-Bites cafe, we host tables of Pathfinder/Starfinder Society every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Here is the line-up for September 7th, 2019 at Giga-Bites.

We're starting Pathfinder 2.0 this week.  People will be recovering from Dragon-con and games may run slow as we learn the new system.

Don't be afraid to sign up if a table if full. Oftentimes, if we have about 3 days before an event we can get another table going.

(Note on factions: You do not have to have a character of the appropriate faction to play the scenario.  Some may not even have boons related to the faction, but it is possible that they may.)

Slot 1 - 11:00 AM

Scenario: #1-02: The Mosquito Witch (Levels 1-4)
Tags: None
GM: Dave B, Will
  1. Russ
  2. Edward
  3. Andrew - Cleric/Druid 2
  4. Daniel H
  5. Lee
  6. Patricia
  7. Kaiser
  8. Caleb
  9. Brienne
  10. Meghan
  11. Chuck
  12. Luke
Wait List:

Slot 2 - 4:30 PM

Scenario: #1-03: Escaping the Grave (Levels 1-4)
Tags: (Faction: Envoy's Alliance)
GM: Daniel H, Dave B
  1. Russ
  2. Edward
  3. Andrew - Cleric/Druid 2
  4. Lee
  5. Patricia
  6. Caleb
  7. Brienne
  8. Meghan
  9. Chuck
  10. Luke
Wait List:

Event Code: 83054
"Ready Action:  Shoot Giant Weasel!"

Games Played:
PFS Tracker of Games Played
If you would like to play 1-01, Will has set up a game day at the end of August for some Pre-Dragoncon experience!
"Ready Action:  Shoot Giant Weasel!"

Games Played:
PFS Tracker of Games Played
Put me down for both. Class undecided
I'll play both. I'm still not 100% sure what I will play beyond it will be a caster.
I'll play in both slots.
I can run in the first slot, and would like to play in slot 2. Probably a rogue, but who knows?


Dave B.
Please add Patricia and me for both games.  We have not seen 2nd edition yet, but hope to have characters setup by then.  Thanks!
Kaiser here. Sign me up for both
Will run in the first slot and play in the second.

Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
Sign me up to run a 2nd table of each
Yeah, yeah, here's my list:

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