August 11, 2019 - Intro to Pathfinder Second Edition
We are having a special event to introduce Pathfinder Society Second Edition to the gaming community. We are also hosting a zero for DragonCon:

Slot 1 - 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Table 1

Scenario:  Quest 01A - The Sandstone Secret (1-4)  Pregens will be available

  1. ? - ??
  2. ? - ??
  3. ? - ??
  4. ? - ??
  5. ? - ??
  6. ? - ??
  7. ? - ??
Wait List:

Slot 2 - 4:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Table 1

Scenario: SFS#2-00 Fate of the Scoured God (1-12). DragonGMs and Staff Only. Please register PC in advance so that we can determine APL.
GM: Will
  1. ? - ??
  2. ? - ??
  3. ? - ??
  4. ? - ??
  5. ? - ??
  6. ? - ??
  7. ? - ??
Wait List:

Please Note:
If you would like to reserve a slot for one of these scenarios, please respond below saying which scenario you want to play, your name, your character class, and your level. You don't need to reserve a slot, but it will guarantee you a spot to play. As our game days grow, it is becoming increasingly important to sign up ahead of time. With ample warning (such as signing up at least three days before the event), we may be able to increase the number of tables being run.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post below or send me a forum message!

HobbyTown USA
840 Ernest W Barrett Pkwy NW
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Event Code 42520
Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
I'll take a slot in the PF2 table,
and I need to signup for the runthrough of the special before dcon.
I'll figure which character when I get a chance.
My Scenario List is at PFS Tracker
PFS #48026
Would like to try the sandstone secret.
"The cat is eating the mini"
I too would love to join in on the 2nd edition intro module Smile.
Please sign me up for 2-00.
I am a Dragon con GM.
I have three characters;
Envoy 2
Mystic 4
Operative 4
Mechanic 1
Please sign me up for 2-00. I am a Dragon con GM. I have three characters ranging from 1- 5.
Chuck will be playing the PFS quest.
My Scenario List is at PFS Tracker
PFS #48026
Add me to the SFS Special.

Only have 1 character..... Operative 5 maybe 6..... I'll check and confirm later.
This conflicts with Titan, so I will have to withdraw
I think I can come to this gameday but can we get some clarification of the plan? The quest is only an hour long but it's got a 5 hour time slot. And is the SFS special playable for someone who a) is GM-ing at DragonCon but not GM-ing the SFS special and b) would have to play a pregen? Hobbytown is a long way for me so I don't want to come if it'll be just to play the hour long quest.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198

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